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I can imagine her pregnant with my kid. Her belly big and round while I take her in my arms and keep her and our baby safe.


Do I want this?

I never used to.

Not last week. But now? Now I’d give her a kid if it’s what she wanted.

Is this what it means when a brother gets caught?

“I can see the cogs turning,” Manny goes on, annoyingly reading my mind. “You just gotta remember that if you knock Luna up, then I insist you name the baby after me, since I’m one of the main people in this club singing your praises, brother.”

I glance at him. “You were?”

He nods. “Always.” Then he adds, “I may have reiterated you’re a grumpy asshole who grunts and spits at everybody he doesn’t like—which is everyone—but you have a kind heart deep down. You’re loyal and care about the club. You protect Luna at every turn. I see it.”

“Thank God, I have your approval,” I snort. “But we ain’t callin’ any damn kid Manny.”

“What’s wrong with Manny? My real name is Manuel.”

“For fuck’s sake.”

“You can laugh, but if you don’t have your girl's besties on board,she’snever gonna be on board.” Manny taps his nose.

“Shit got real this time,” I go on in a low voice. “With Cami. Should never have happened.”

He nods. “That shit fucked us all up. Nobody wants to see kids getting in the firing line. That just isn’t right.”

“That shit ain’t ever gonna be over,” I say. “Not when they took a kid. Could’ve happened to any of the ol’ ladies. Crystal’s got a kid, now D and Cash, Hawk and Jas’s kid, Jonah…”

“Goddamn assholes,” Manny agrees. “But you know Luna can hold her own with the best of them.”

He's right, she can. But only I know how much Luna puts out there and how much she holds inside. She never lets anyone see that she’s troubled or something ain’t right. She’s selfless like that. Not wearing her heart on her sleeve… She only does that with me.

Pride swells in my chest.


“She can,” I agree. “I like that you look out for her…just don’t look too hard.”

Manny rolls his eyes. “Was that almost a joke, T-bird?”

“Do you have to call everyone ridiculous names?”

“Of course. What good am I if I’m not here to annoy you with nicknames. Though I think T-Bag suits you better.”

I go swipe him with my backhand, and he ducks just in time.

“Asshat,” I mutter.

Rock appears at the door where I’m standing and gives me a chin lift. “Got somethin’.”

I shove Manny in the shoulder as he barrels away laughing, shutting Rock’s door behind me.

Harlem went to check on Indigo and Stella at the bakery.

I tower over his desk. “Yeah?”
