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His lips twitch. “Yep. Like I said, I’m just tryin’ to help out.”

“Long as that’s all it is.”

“You really think I want my skull pounded in?”

I clear my throat. “Glad we got that straightened out.”

It’s always a good idea to make things very clear. That way, when fists start flying, a brother can’t say he wasn’t warned. While I don’t believe he’d try anything with Luna, I don’t know himthatwell. If Jett trusts him, and Cash, then that says a lot, but when it comes to my woman, there’s no taking any chances.

I leave as he gives me a salute, and I shut the door behind me.

Luna’s laugh from the room next door has me turning to sneak another peek at her.

The fact she’s happy makes my chest tighten, and I want it to always be like this; listening to her laughter and seeing her smile.

If anyone dares upset her happy space, I’m gonna fuck with them so bad they won’t know what hit them.

That’s my promise to her.

That’s how I can show I care when sometimes I don’t have the words.

There is nothing that I won’t do for her.

Nothing is ever gonna be off limits.



I stareat the menu while I wait for Payden, Jas, and Manny to arrive.

We decided to have lunch to celebrate my promotion.

We could’ve gone to the grill, but Manny insisted we go upmarket and have it at Piccolo's. I’ve never eaten here, as it’s very expensive and everyone looks like they should be in a board meeting.

I love going to the dessert section first, and my eyeballs almost bust out of their sockets when I see the prices.

“Hello, Luna,” the voice says as I flinch. I’d know that damn voice anywhere.

Fucking Brian.

I glance up and, sure enough, Brian is standing at the seat in front of me, holding on to it as he smiles down at me. It's not even a smile, it’s a smirk.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snarl back.

He has the audacity to look affronted. “That’s a nice way to greet an old friend.”

“Old friend?” I stammer. “We were never friends. You were a cheating, arrogant asshole!”

The people at the next table gasp, and Brian clears his throat. “Now isn’t the time for a scene,” he says, taking a seat as I glare at him. “Just hear me out.”

I laugh without humor. “About what? You and my father’s outlandish proposal? Or are you trying to get my inheritance any which way you can?”

“You always have to be a stick in the mud, don’t you, Lulabelle?”

“Don’t call me that!” I snap, standing to leave.

“Sit down,” he commands. “I know all about why you left New Orleans two years ago.”
