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“Be certain,” he rasped. “I can stop this here and now. I can leave you with your honor intact.”

He left out the fact that he would need to call Jornesh to physically restrain him if he did so, but he would do it without regret if she had second thoughts. Never would he harm his blossom.

“Honor?” She shook her head and finally turned toward him. A flush of desire pinkened her skin and her pupils were blown wide with her desire so that the brown ring was nearly swallowed by the inky darkness. “I haven’t known a moment of that since I left for Caysta. I lost it the moment I allowed myself to be a mate for Gaix. I haven’t even been seen—until you. I want all that you are offering.”

“All?” he rasped, tucking her close against his body as he gathered her into his arms. “You cannot promise what you cannot yet even conceive of. No, I do have some honor left and shall not hold you to that, not when you are not free to make that oath. But I can give you tonight.”

“Tonight,” she sighed in agreement, her capitulation awakening his blood with a fierce roar of desire. “Yes. Tonight is all I have to give for now.”

He tightened his hold her as his thick cock pressed against her, drawing a fragile moan in the sweetest of sighs from her throat. Her hands come up to his arms, her blunt, thin human claws pressing against his uniform, sending a tiny thrill through him.

“Do you have somewhere we can go?”

He nodded and scooped her up into his arms. Stacey gasped and flung her arms around him. She held so tightly to him that her soft human breasts were pressed against the hard bone plating over his sternum. That she did not cry out in alarm or even surprise sent a warmth flooding through his heart. Her trust humbled him.

Keeping her locked tightly to him, he took the lift to his command station. Because command took up the entire subdeck at the top level of the spacecraft, it was secure and could be locked down. No one would even know that that he had a human female up there with him. The comm audio device implanted behind his ear chimed softly through his inner receptor and he eased one arm from around Stacey to touch a finger to it.


His words were guttural with his need clawing through him. Thankfully the male at the other end did not comment on it.

“Captain, I am monitoring your progress and am auto-looping the security vid streams in the lift and in the upper sectors of the ship.” Jornesh paused. “I assume that you are heading to the command station?”

“Yes. It is empty, I assume.”

“Yes, captain. I will see to it that orders are rerouted so that you are not disturbed.” Jornesh clicked anxiously in his throat but chuckled. “Enjoy yourselves but be careful captain. I am leaving bio-wipes in there for your use. Calysii sense of smell may not be as acute as ours but best to leave as little trace as possible.”

“Good. Thank you, Jornesh.”

Pressing his finger once more against the implant, Varik disconnected from the uplink and readjusted his grip on his female as he made his way to the command room. Stacey remained silent but her hold on to him remained firm until they finally reached their destination. Varik released her only for a moment, giving him enough time to key in the room’s lockdown. A red light flared in confirmation and his gut twisted with carnal hunger as he realized he finally had her exactly where he wanted her. The force of his lust and desire to fall upon her was so strong that he refused to move for a long moment and stared at the locked door as he desperately grappled with his quickly disintegrating control.

When he finally turned toward Stacey it was with a slow purposeful movement. She watched him, her chest heaving slightly with the short little breaths that betrayed the excitement that he could practically taste in her scent. Taking two strides forward, Varik plucked her up from the ground and carried her over the short distance to the long table around which he and his primary officers sat during their meetings. He set her on the table and leaned in, enjoying the sensation of her body captured between himself and the solid surface. Her back arched, her body pressing into him as he covered her, his hands plants on the table at either side of her as he brushed his lips over the delicate skin of her jaw and neck, drawing in her scent in the most intimate fashion possible. Only this close could a male truly experience the full and unique scent of his female. It was for that reason that it was seldom allowed among unmated Lorgor. It was taboo when he was not free to claim Stacey for his own and yet he relished it.

Or perhaps part of the satisfaction came from the fact that in doing so he was scent marking her. A quick wipe down of her body would remove it easily enough, even though it would pain him to clean them away, but for now he could luxuriate in it. Especially when it sent her wriggling little human body against him, making his sac tighten with need and his cock twitch with his rising excitement.

He ran his tongue back up her neck and moaned. Gods, she tasted so good. A tantalizing combination of salt, musk, and sweetness. Eager for more, he brushed his mouth against her jaw, her chin, and finally her lips. Her mouth opened for him, and he drew in her breath with a rumble of pleasure, enjoying the heavy saturation of her pheromones there as her small hands stroked over his chest. He nuzzled her nose with his and brushed her upper lip with his when her mouth began to close with a soft whine of frustration. He did not understand and tried to compensate with nuzzling brushes along upper lip, passing his pheromones more intimately to her as he received hers in turn. Seemingly pleased, she eagerly worked herself in closer against him, her soft belly cushioning the ache of his cock as she looped her legs behind his thighs and caged his body to hers.

Varik growled in approval and brushed his upper lip against hers again to intimately share breath a second time when suddenly her grip on him tightened and she surged upward against him, dragging him down to her as her cloth-covered cunt rubbed against his sex. He gasped and then stiffened as his cock released a thick stream of pre-cum into his uniform pants as her mouth fastened over his, plunging him in a drugging ocean of pheromone-rich sweetness. Her tongue stroked illicitly into his mouth, sliding against his own tongue in invitation. Moaning, Varik followed the path of her tongue, filling her mouth with his own tongue as he stroked deep and explored the heady richness of her flavor, mimicking the mating action between their mouths as he ground his cock against her heat between her thighs.

Stacey clung to him, submitting fully to his domination in ways that only served to excite him further. Lifting a hand, he curled it around the column of her neck, holding her in place as a captive to his rising need for her. Or perhaps, more accurately, they were both captives to their own needs and he was clinging to her to keep from spinning off into madness.

He growled lustfully into her mouth, his hands dragging over the layers of sheer fabric that covered her. It was a typical Calysii garment of mated females designed to entice males and be easily removed. Taking care not to snag it on his claws, he carefully ran his fingers over it, finding the ties that held the layers closed over her. With a few gentle tugs it fell away, leaving her silky flesh bare to him from the tip of her brown-tipped breasts to her sweet little bared cunt. Unable to resist, he pressed forward, laying her back against the table and rose up over her to look his fill of her beauty.

Rattling a low moan, Varik ran his hands over her bared arms and breasts, brushing his thumbs and circles over the stiff peaks that tipped the fleshy globes before stroking lower to the delicate flesh of her belly. All the while, he maintained eye contact with his female, gauging her enjoyment and taking pleasure in every shift of her expression as she discovered bliss in his touch. Stacey stared up at him with her dark eyes, desire heating her gaze as he explored her body, his fingers dipping along her hips and outer thighs before creeping inward though they were still pressed tightly together. Her legs tightened around him in response but then she bent her knees, drawing them from around his legs, her small feet brushing the back of his thighs, as she opened herself completely for him, revealing her hidden entrance.

Captivated, he stroked through her slippery essence as he ran his thumb along the length of her slit to her tight entrance. Circling the pad of his finger around that sensitive little spot, he drew it back upward through her folds until it bumped and pressed into the swollen bud of flesh at the top. A tremor wracked her, and her eyes slid shut with a pleased little sigh that made his vibinum vibrate though they were already stiffened and standing on end.

Ah. A pleasure spot.

He flicked it experimentally and smiled. How delightful. He adored the way her face contorted with pleasure. With determined exploration, he tested her limits as he manipulated the tiny bud enjoying the way her body squirmed restlessly and breaths came out in soft pants around whispered pleas. He rolled it and pinched it and rubbed it until her hips were following his hand in jerky little movements demanding more and her scent centered there bloomed with the height of her arousal until his mouth watered. But when he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to it his smiled against her slickened skin at the way her hips came up, pressing her wet cunt against his mouth and tongue as he licked and sucked at the sweetness that poured from her. He did not know how long he was caught there or how many times her cries filled the air as she gushed with her bliss. He was drowning in his rising pleasure, the threat of rut edging forward as his cock pressed urgently, painfully against his pants.

His control was nearly gone. He was walking the line of madness and desire. The heat of rut was overwhelming him despite the booster he had just a few standard lunar cycles ago to inoculate him. He was dangerously close to breaking and taking her in a breeding rut without the gentleness she deserved.

Stacey’s fingers moved without warning biting into the lower vibinum that fell against the back of his neck and tugged hard enough that his head drew back reluctantly to meet her eyes.

“Fuck me, Varik, please,” she rasped. Her voice was so thready, he wondered absently how long she had been crying and pleading those words over and over again.

At those words something dark within him finally sprung loose. Giving her a sharp nod, he rose above her, stood, and stripped his uniform away with a quick flick of his hands. His jacket and tunic were flung to a nearby chair, but his trousers simply fell as far as they could before pooling around the tops of his poots where they were caught. Although the sensation was annoying, he ignored it as instinct prompted him to cover her completely, his much larger body pinning her beneath him with her thighs providing the perfect pillow for his pelvis. Growling softly, he rubbed the length of his cock and sac against her heat, strumming pleasure through him as his need leaped higher in his veins. Each pass drew a needy sound from her which grew louder as he focused his movements further until the ribbed head of his cock was brushing back and forth against her core, bumping and pressing against it with each pass until the last thread of his control suddenly broke and he drove forward, his cock breaching his female’s heat, dragging his frillum intimately against her.
