Page 91 of To Kill a Shadow

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With death looming, I suddenly realized that a few of those things involved Jude.

Images of a life I’d never have whirled past my open eyes.

A life of adventure and freedom, with secret smiles and intimate evenings nestled beside a fire. I envisioned a partner who embraced me in my darkest moments and fought my demons just as I battled theirs. I coveted a love so profound, so realm-shattering, that my home became their arms and the music in my ears belonged to the beating of their hearts.

For some reason, Jude called to all of my shadows; the parts of my soul I’d shown him without me even realizing it. And I wanted more. More time to see whatelseI could feel.

Time slowed, the clashing of swords ceasing as blood rushed to my ears. There was a ringing sound, shrill and eerie, and it punctured my skin as it clawed at my insides like an angry creature with teeth.

Then, I smelled home in the air.

Chapter Thirty-One


Courage is unlocking the door to your cage and taking flight. True bravery is burning the cage to the ground.

Asidian proverb


The subtle scent of spice and smoke.

Jude called out my name, his voice muffled as blood rushed to my ears, a cold wind whipping at my cheeks.

The man attacking me let out a choked grunt. His eyes watered and oozed pus as he shrieked, the viscous liquid drenching the cloth swathing his features. That bitter wind carrying traces of home continued to whistle in my ears, but it didn’t hurt me, not in the way it viciously struck my opponent, who let out a feral roar as though it burned him alive.

Swirls of onyx streamed from around me, slithering across the underbrush and reaching for my opponent. Just before they could grab him, he dropped his knife, his stare widening as he took in the sight of the advancing darkness rising around me.

I staggered back when he shifted away, my breaths coming out raspy and uneven. I nearly stabbed Jude when he suddenly appeared at my side, his hand encircling my arm to move me protectively behind him.

The attacker stumbled, guttural noises leaving his lips. It was a husky and thick language I didn’t recognize—if it was a language at all. Clutching at his throat, fear shining in his eyes, he cautiously took a few tentative steps away.

My mouth parted as I gulped in air, my fingers gripping my blade, waiting for him to lunge. But he did no such thing.

He fled, bolting into the trees without a glance behind him. The whispering shadows trailed after, until all that remained was a dense layer of white.

“Are you all right?” Jude asked.

I lifted my head and met his gaze head-on, my pulse thudding like a drum in my ears. His left eye shone in the darkness, a beacon of fury that sent shivers down my spine. “What the hells was that?”

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.

His fingers were digging into my skin, his jaw taut with bone-chilling rage. I didn’t recognize him.

“It has to be similar to that breeze from the first day,” Jude said. “Making us see things that aren’t there. But either way, we need to get out of here before—”

Boots pounded the ground as more masked men rushed toward us.

Jude shoved me out of the way and lifted his sword before him. I tumbled onto my back, out of the reach of the men with death haunting their eyes.

Jude drove his blade through a broad chest with sickening ease before twisting to face another opponent. I watched as eight of them swarmed him on all sides, circling him like ravenous predators, their crude weapons glinting in the white light as they sought to land a killing blow.

As skilled a warrior as he was, there was no way Jude could fend off eight men, especially these beasts. They had the upper hand, and I had the nagging suspicion they wouldn’t stop until their blades were slick with red.

I shoved to my feet, crying out Jude’s name like a tormented prayer. He answered my call, raising his head as he locked his sight on me, sweat dripping down the sides of his face, a superficial cut marring his cheek.

While his attention remained on me, another figure whirled like a reckless breeze from the corner of my eye, a dagger rising—

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