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My face twisted into a pitiful pout that I felt glad he couldn’t see. For a moment, my hatred warred with the love my family had left in my heart, but it all hurt too much, and I gave my thoughts to the fiery wrath that matched the burning the man in the red uniform had left in my punished rear end. That obscene name, the way it only described how he had so easily made my body betray me, together with the bodily pain of the terrible spanking, gave me the power to compose my face. I set my features into a hard mask that I hoped would betray no emotion at all, andI turned, telling myself I wasn’t obeying him but rather taking control of the situation and doing what I needed to do to survive.

I remembered to keep my eyes lowered, and I took it as a victory, all the better because Agent Delvik didn’t even know about it. If I had raised my eyes, I knew, I would have seen that cruel, satisfied smile, which I felt certain I couldn’t lay eyes on without losing all the stern, angry resolve I had just found.

“Look at me, girl,” he said.

I bit my lip and swallowed hard.Victory, I reminded myself.You won a victory that will give you a moment to win another one.If I could keep the flinty, uncaring expression on my face, I would gain an actual advantage over the company agent—and the company, and the empire—even if none of them would ever know it.

But to my amazement, when I did raise my eyes, and I did, using all my will, manage to look at him with utter impassivity despite all the shame, all the pain, all the hatred in my mind and my heart, Agent Delvik’s smile faded.

A real victory. One that I knew, if someone were to torture this horrid man the way he had tortured me, he would have to admit. Small as such a change in expression might be, it meant everything to me in that moment. My spirit had begun to raise her head.

“You will thank me for punishing you, and you will thank me for making you climax, Wetquim.”

He delivered these words in a bluff, rather officious tone, and I wondered whether my failure to look as humiliated as he wanted me to look—indeed, as humiliated and degraded as I truly felt—had affected him even more deeply than the loss of his smile would indicate.

I obeyed immediately. I didn’t want to think about the meaning of the words at all. I could sense in them something dark and dangerous. To consider the possibility of actual gratitude, for the terrible things he had done to me, with his hands and with his paddle brought me much too close to a part of my mind I desperately wanted to lock away. I had pushed those thoughts back with my surge of anger, and I clung to the anger as I spoke. Its burning in my chest, a counterweight to the fiery pain in my bottom and my thighs, let me retain the neutrality of my face.

“Thank you, sir.” I paused, waiting, because I felt certain I knew his methods well enough by this point that he would do what I expected. And I saw his lips twitch and his mouth start to open, to deliver the demand that I be more specific. I cut him off before he made a sound, so that he couldn’t claim I had interrupted him. “Thank you for punishing me with your hand and with your paddle, and thank you for making me climax.”

He touched the screen of his handheld, and the cage door swung shut with a beep.

“You’re going to go to sleep now, Wetquim,” he told me. “Sit down on the floor so that you don’t fall down and hurt yourself. Injured merchandise doesn’t fetch as high a price.”

I blinked, not understanding. My impassive expression became puzzled, my brow furrowing, but I managed not to show any of the creeping fear that his words instilled, even without my knowing precisely what they meant.

To my dismay, Agent Delvik’s smile returned, and he gave a mirthless chuckle, obviously taking back his sense of superiority. With his eyes still fixed on mine, he moved his finger.

The pain that came from the floor into my pussy brought me to my knees, screaming, in an instant. Even worse, though it would have seemed impossible to me an instant before, the act of kneeling, and then sitting, out of sheer desperation to obey and end the agony, made my backside somehow still hurt more than anything else.

I thought he would lift his finger, as he had done before. He didn’t.

“No risk of damaging your sweet body this way, Wetquim,” he explained through the fog of fiery torment. I had closed my eyes, as if shutting out the sight of the cage and the table and the man in the red uniform could somehow ease my suffering. My seated posture collapsed, and I curled up on the floor despite the way that the pain seemed to emanate upward from it.

“There we go,” his awful voice said in the darkness behind my eyelids. “Just let it happen, Wetquim. You belong to us now, and we will do as we please with you.”

I could do nothing but wail and sob, even after he had at last stopped the cage from punishing me. He spoke again, his voice brusque.

“We won’t see each other again, Wetquim. I’ll forget you tomorrow, but I’m happy to know you’ll never forget me. Whenever you misbehave and your master corrects you, you’ll remember how I tried to teach you to obey. You’ll remember me as the first man to break you to my will, even if I had to leave your sexual training to others. I do enjoy my job so very much.”

I let out a whimper as my mind sought to regain my anger and my hatred in the face of the continuing torment from my paddled backside. I heard a beep from the cage, in a different tone I thought than any I’d heard before. Then I felt as if I were falling, or maybe floating. I reached for anger and found, to my distress, only the terrible warmth down there, between my waist and my knees.

I remembered how he had said I would fall asleep, and though my thoughts seemed to have become scattered and disconnected, I realized the cage must somehow be making that happen. That wayward gratitude returned, and the sudden exhaustion that suffused my whole body wouldn’t let me fight it.

At least it won’t hurt while I’m asleep.

It did hurt when I woke up. It hurt a lot. I returned to consciousness with a whimper of pain. Around me I heard busy noises—the sounds of people moving heavy objects that creaked and clanked. When I opened my eyes, I saw I was still in the cage, but the cage no longer stood in the basement of the village house. Instead, I found myself in a large, low-ceilinged room that seemed made out of metal. In front of my opening, blinking eyes, other Kamnian girls, in cages like mine, were also waking up, in a row that stretched tens of meters ahead, until it ended at the blank, dully reflective wall. The light came from glowing points on the ceiling that seemed to grow brighter each second, as if they too had begun to awaken.

“Oh, Great Vion,” said a young woman’s voice from behind me, full of quavering hesitation. “You… your… did you…?”

It took a moment, but then I understood. Another girl, in the cage behind me, had woken up to the sight of my bruised bottom and thighs. Mortification flashed through me, from my burning face to the pit of my stomach, where a lump of emotional anguish suddenly took up residence.

I tried to sit up, so that I could hide the evidence of what the company agent had done to me. I pushed up with my arms, but as soon as I turned my hips so that I could sit, the dull soreness from my backside flared into a stab of hot torment so severe that I cried out and collapsed back onto the floor of my cage.

I had turned my head enough to get a look at the girl who had spoken though. I had seen that her face had a compassionate expression on it, but that her cheeks had gone pink in embarrassment. I pressed down the sob of shame that threatened to rise and instead concentrated on the anger—at her, though the rational part of my mind knew I had no real reason to feel that wrath at her, rather than at Agent Delvik.

I’m happy to know you’ll never forget me.At the memory of his words, the sob I had managed to restrain broke out. The girl in the cage right in front of mine turned around to look.

Gritting my teeth and grunting through them to keep from making any more of those pitiful sobs, I pushed myself up again, and though it hurt almost as much as the searing agony from the cage’s built-in punisher, I got onto my hands and knees, claiming it, in my head, as a triumph. Only at that point did I realize that in that position, the sympathetic but infuriating girl behind me would see my rear end much more clearly.
