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In the study, my grandfather had installed a view screen that occupied an entire wall. I had viewed entertainment videos on it from time to time, but I’d never had occasion to activate it for the purpose for which my grandfather had intended it—to watch his concubines. It felt a little odd to do so for the first time at the age of thirty-seven, but somehow also rejuvenating, just as the whole experience of acquiring Chalondra had undeniably already made me feel a good deal younger and less jaded.

Franla had recommended that I use a surveillance system if I had one, for my enjoyment but also and more importantly in order to ensure that Chalondra’s training went as smoothlyas possible. I had shown her the technology with which my grandfather had provided himself and his descendants, and my new mistress of concubines had declared herself well satisfied.

“Especially on her first day,” she had told me, “you’ll want to pay careful attention to the girl’s reactions when I instruct her and prepare her to receive you, my lord, especially between her thighs and between her hind cheeks. I can assist you in interpreting her response to her sexual training, of course, but your dominant instincts represent your most important resource in obtaining the pleasure you’ve paid for from your bed girl. You’ll find, I think, that you’ll grow more in tune with those instincts as you watch her under her mistress’ care.”

I watched her now. The view wall showed a close-up of Chalondra’s lovely face in its upper right quadrant, her eyes wide and her cheeks pink, clearly from her embarrassment at the immodesty of her current posture. A medium shot of the training room to which Franla had led the girl occupied the upper left: I could see Franla’s back as the mistress gazed down on the supine blue-haired form of my new concubine, her legs spread wide by the stirrups into which Franla had guided Chalondra’s knees.

The lower right quadrant of the wall had the close-up of the girl’s virgin quim, still covered in her wooly blue pubic fur. The adorable pink pucker of her anus lay just below the lower extremity of her dainty labia, just visible through the wiry curls.

My cock had calmed somewhat since the diverting scene in the car that had almost made me fuck the girl right then and there. The mere thought of having her tonight, however, had kept me semi-erect during the intervening hour or so, when Franla had seen to getting Chalondra fed and bathed. What I saw onthe view wall, though, brought my manhood right back to the hardness of a diamond.

Rejuvenated indeed, I thought wryly, as I succumbed to dominant instinct—just as Franla would have advised me to do, I felt certain—and pulled my cock from my trousers so that I could enjoy Chalondra’s early training to the fullest.


“I’m going to bind you to the training chair, now, Chalondra,” Mistress Franla told me in a decisive tone that made my tummy flip over. “It’s important that you understand you can’t escape what’s about to happen to you.”

I blinked at her, not knowing what to make of the sudden change in the older woman’s demeanor. For the last few minutes, as she had shown me the concubine quarters of my master’s palace, she had seemed almost friendly. Now, after she had invited me to sit in this chair in the room she had called thetraining room, she seemed to have transformed herself in a moment from a kindly guide to a strict teacher.

“But… but…” I tried to say, but Mistress Franla had already started to fasten a stout leather strap around my right knee, where it rested in the stirrup. “But you said you just needed to… to…”

“To take a look at you, yes,” my mistress said. “But of course that’s not all I need to do.”

She had charmed me, I realized, put me under some kind of spell. In the garage, as I had watched Baron Gravamir enter one door, a wide one with a goldGon it, Mistress Franla had led me to a smaller and plainer one. Through it had lain a big, unadorned room, filled with shelves and equipment I didn’t recognize. On Kamnos, all technology belonged to the company, and I had only rarely seen anything self-powered, like the car that had taken us from the market.

“This is the service area of Gravamir House,” the mistress had told me. “Your master doesn’t keep many servants, unlike most of my clients. This palace runs mostly with the help of autobots.”

“Of what?” I had asked, encouraged by her friendly, confiding tone. The room had seemed a good deal less splendid than I had expected from a nobleman’s palace. My fascination with what I saw, plain as it was, though, had made me almost forget that my arms remained bound behind me, and that my master had made it clear only a few moments before that whatever fucking meant, it would happen to me very soon.

“You can think of them as automatic servants,” Mistress Franla had said, a lightness in her voice conveying the smile I saw on her face, as if she enjoyed satisfying my curiosity. “I’ll show you. House, this is his lordship’s new concubine Chalondra. Acknowledge.”

I had looked around, trying to see who or what she had addressed, but of course I had seen nothing.

“Acknowledged,” said a pleasant masculine voice, not quite as deep as my master’s but with the same kind of cultured inflection. “Welcome to Gravamir House, Chalondra.”

The voice had seemed to come from everywhere, so I hadn’t known where to look as I answered, “Thank you?” and I found myself looking at my mistress. I had realized that I hadn’t had permission to look her in the face, and I had felt the heat rush to my cheeks, but she had smiled and spoken gently.

“Let’s get those cuffs off you. House, please have luncheon waiting for us in the concubines’ dining room. Soup and salad.”

“Certainly, Mistress Franla,” the voice had replied.

We had ascended in something she had called anelevator, that had seemed to me like a magic flying cabinet from a fairytale. Somehow Mistress Franla had put me at my ease to such an extent that when she had shown me my bare, tiny room—my cell, she had called it—I had felt grateful to know I had a place to sleep. She had shown me the big bathroom, and I had breathed a whimpering sigh of contentment to be able to relieve myself on a toilet, even if she had stood watching as I sat there.

And when we had reached the little dining room, there on the table we had found two places set, and most wondrous of all a cart that moved on its own, with a metal arm that raised the covers from the plates to reveal our food.

I had forgotten, somehow, that I had no clothes on. Mistress Franla hadn’t spoken much during lunch, and I had of course concentrated nearly all my attention on my food, since I hadn’t eaten in what felt like years.

And when she had led me to this room, the training room, with the chair that looked like an examination chair in the doctor’s office at home in my village on Kamnos, I had gotten up into it when she had told me to. I hadn’t even wondered what purposesuch a piece of furniture might have in a room dedicated to training young women.

I didn’t even wonder,I thought as the dread filled my belly,because I knew.I had let my mistress’ hands guide first one knee and then the other into the stirrups, spreading me wide and making all of me visible to her knowing eyes. I had managed to fool myself into thinking she would make it all easy for me—that I’d had the incredible, unexpected good fortune to have been sold to a nobleman who meant to do nothing but give me a good home, where the house itself fed me, and a kind woman taught me about my new life in the empire. She would take a look at my body, to make sure I was healthy.

But at the back of my mind, I had remembered everything: how could I not have? And yet Mistress Franla had put me at my ease, had made me feel I could relax, that I had come into her care and she would watch over me.

Nor, I realized as I looked up into her eyes while she fastened the strap above my left knee, did that seem to represent anything other than the truth, even now. My mistress meant to take care of me. The devoted attention she would pay to my training, however, would represent her service not to me but to my master.

Much too late, I started to try to get out of the chair.

“No, Wetquim,” Mistress Franla said, her voice betraying no trace of the gentleness it had seemed to hold only a few moments ago. She put her left hand on my chest, and with startling force she pinned me there while she deftly secured a leather belt around my waist, manipulating the buckle with one hand as if she had done this same terrifying thing to thousands of young women.
