Page 127 of Luna

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The Baxter share price took a small hit, but quickly recovered, mostly because of the widespread campaign to stamp out any mention of the incident.

Thankfully there wasn't any video footage of the scuffle between Kingsley and Gerry, only verbal accounts, and even then, the reports weren't detailed. The only official statement was a two paragraph press release by Gloria, stating that the incident had been overblown and that there weren't any internal issues with Baxter.

Nothing had come out from Gerry's camp.

And in some ways, that was more worrying to Kingsley than if he had come out guns a-blazing.

But by Friday afternoon and the last of the business week's news dumps, the story is buried on the third and fourth page of the media outlets. Baxter looks no worse for wear, and Kingsley finally emerges from his office to join in with a strategy meeting for the jubilee in the conference room.

He slips in half way, and stands to the side of the door, arms crossed as he listens to the brainstorming without cutting in.

As usual, whenever he's in the same room I'm in, I can never take my eyes off him.

I used to think that his suits were tailored to perfection, but now that I've seen the body that they hide underneath, sometimes I can't help but think how they do him a disservice.

He, on the other hand, for someone who spent that first night at the diner staring at me, never seems to have any trouble not looking at me.

Sometimes it's infuriating, when I just want to catch his eye and give him a smile, but it's probably better off. I might spontaneously combust if he would be watching me

I try to focus on the presentation that Clarissa is giving on screen, and her ideas really are quite good. But I can't, I miss him. He didn't even come to bed last night, staying up, making sure both Baxter, the parent company, and its subsidiaries in the other countries opened okay in Hong Kong, the Australia stockexchange and NYSE. And that the blowback wasn't spreading to Baxter's down chain companies.

As much as he had put on a brave face with me right after the fight with Gerry, I knew that guilt was weighing heavily on him.

By extension, I feel terrible. If he hadn't been protecting me, it wouldn't have gotten as bad as it had. The last thing I want is to be is the reason that Kingsley is making bad decisions when it comes to his family's business.

I sneak another look at him when everyone is watching the screen, but he's looking down at his phone. He quickly taps out a message and tucks it back in his pocket and recrosses his arms, focusing on the discussion again.

My phone buzzes and I look down to see a message arrive from him.

Excitement explodes under every inch of my skin even before I've opened the message.

And when I do, I'm surprised everyone doesn't turn around at the sound of the crackle of electricity emanating from me

Kingsley: You look so fucking good sitting there in that dress with your legs crossed but I wish your legs were around my neck right now. My tongue misses your sweet little pussy.

I cough reading his words, practically choking. He doesn't even turn around.

Asshole. I almost die from reading his text and he can't even check that I'm okay?

Okay, Mr. Baxter.

Luna: You look fucking good standing there as well. This is my favorite tie on you. But I prefer that that tie was tying me to your desk chair, and you were kneeling right now, your face buried against me. Good thing I'm not wearing any underwear under this dress, I've made it easy for me to cum on your face.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket, reading the message, without a single reaction except to run his fingers over his lips.

Kingsley: Prove it, Moonshine.

Game on.

I push away from the table, gathering my notebook, and quietly excuse myself from the meeting.

Making my way out the door, I push past him, making sure to press my ass against him, his fingers discreetly brushing my waist.

"Miss Pham, going somewhere? I'm sure we could use your invaluable input here. You do have such creative ideas."

I give him a bright innocent smile. "Er, yes, Mr. Baxter. I'm just responding to an urgent message."

"Oh, well, by all means, don't let me get in the way. Hope to see you again soon."
