Page 161 of Luna

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"Coming out. Don't laugh or else I'll stab you with my heel."

"Would you just come out, I saw you once shoot milkshake out of your nose at the fair. This can't be worse than that."

When I finally step out into the living room, his response says it all.


And then he reaches for my hand and presses a soft kiss to it, his eyes soft and proud.

"Kingsley Baxter is a lucky son of a bitch. Don't ever let him treat you like he's not, Luna."

Butterflies spawn in my stomach as the car whizzes through London to the Victoria and Albert Museum.

I haven't ever attended anything like this event, and I don't want to be an embarrassment to either Alex or Kingsley, who have been around these galas their whole lives.

"Hey, you'll be okay," Alex says, sensing my nervousness.

"Yeah. Here's hoping I don't trip on my dress and knock over an ice sculpture or something."

He laughs. "Let's hope. Thank you for coming with me. I think it would've meant so much to Ernest."


"I do. Hey, I was wondering, do you ever think about changing your last name? To Hamilton?"

I stare at him, wondering where this came from. "What?"

"I'm just saying, nobody would be surprised. Ernest always wanted it. He asked me to change my name and I think he woudl’ve wanted you to do the same. Maybe it's something you should think about." He points to the line of cars in front of us. "Looks like we're here. Have fun, tonight, Luna. It's a good group of people. You'll love them."

I swallow, the nervousness building, almost making me sick. I really wish Kingsley was here with me. His words of support from earlier echo in my ears, and I take a deep breath, drawing comfort from them.

Alex really chose the worst possible time to even suggest the idea of changing my name. I would never. The fact he even has to ask is unsettling. My name links me to my mother. I don't know that I'd ever even change my name to Baxter… if it ever came to that.Too soon, Luna. Too soon.I shake my head to get rid of the thought.

The car door opens, an usher helps me out of the car, and I stand there, not sure where to go. Alex finally runs around and takes my hand.

"Let's go."

I nod and he leads me through the entrance, women in beautiful dresses all around me, led by equally elegant men in their suits.

Alex stops, giving the hostess our names, and then leads me into the garden area.

It almost takes my breath away.

"Mr. and Mrs. Grant, how are you this beautiful evening?" Alex says, greeting an older couple.

They give us polite smiles, the men shaking hands. "Alex. How lovely to see you. You look well. And who is this young woman?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Grant, may I please introduce you to Luna Hamilton. This is Ernest's daughter. She's just moved to London."

Their faces freeze to match the way the blood is frozen in my veins. But, then with their decades of practice, they blink it away.

"Well, dear. It is lovely to meet you. Your father was a wonderful man and we will miss him greatly."

I nod, still too stunned to speak.

When they walk away, I barely have time to confront Alex when another couple comes up to us. Again, he introduces me as Luna Hamilton, Ernest's daughter. This time all I can manage is a handshake, luckily they're quickly called away.

"Alex! What the hell?" I hiss, tugging on his arm.
