Page 173 of Luna

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I grumble, even though it still hurts me. "Please. I'll buy you a car. I have like millions of dollars, apparently. Though I have to go through Mr. Grumps to get to it. But when I do, I'll buy you a car. With one of those rearview pictures of Moon Sang Min."

Kiara and I had quickly bonded over our inappropriate love of k-dramas, and My-Linh spent our time talking about all the Vietnamese dishes she was going to cook for me once I was let out of hospital jail. Stinky, fermented, weird dishes that Damien didn't always feel like eating, and that I hadn't had anyone cook for me since my mother passed away.

Just thinking about them made my appetite start to come back.

"Kiara, don't let her try to bribe you to help her break out of here," Kingsley says, coming into my room, with a giant panda soft toy.

"Gimme!" I shout, reaching out with my arms to grab the toy only to hiss under my breath. "Ow. Poop. That hurt."

"Exactly." He gently lays the panda on the bed, trying to be discreet as he looks me over, checking me for any change in my condition.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, Mister," I tease him.

"What? You're the one who keeps trying to convince me how hot you still are in the bandages." He gives me a soft kiss that does wonders to heal me. "Hi, Moonshine. How'd you sleep?"

"It'll be better when I can go home."

"Actually, I had an idea about that..."

"You did?!" I squeal, tapping on the bed frame on my good side. "Let's hear it."

"It's going to require a breakout. You up for it?"

"Never more ready for anything, Kingy."

He glares. "Maybe I'll leave you here after all."

I saw a tattoo once on a girl's back at a hostel, "Above all else, l'amour er la liberté." Love and freedom.

And right now, I have to agree with the sentiment.

After a lot of negotiating, tears, more negotiating, promises, begging and what I can only assume, was an inordinately large amount of money donated to the hospital by Kingsley, the next morning, I'm pushed out onto the hospital's rooftop helipad.

Between Kingsley's three brothers and his three sisters-in-law and about ten hospital staff and my doctor barking orders of us, it's a scene out of I Love Lucy and I'm surprised that I'm not dropped on the ground.

There's a lot of giggling.

A lot of bossing around,

And amidst it all Kingsley looking at me with eyes so wide I'm half worried his eyeballs might pop right out of his head.

Finally when I'm loaded onto the air ambulance with him beside me, and he closes his eyes for a split second, taking a deep breath and turned to me. "Yeah, I'm not sure if this is a good idea."

I grin, pointing to the pilots getting ready to take off. "No going back now, Mr. Baxter. You basically promised to build them an entire new wing. You want them to tell all the little sick kiddos that Mean ol' Mr. Kingsley Baxter says they can't have a movie room?"

"You're an evil genius. I could definitely use you on my acquisition team."

"You couldn't afford me, honey."

He raises an eyebrow and then winks. "That's my girl"

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere I've never gone with anywhere else."

He takes me to Lake Annecy.

After the air ambulance drops us at a quiet landing at Heathrow and I’m safely ensconced in the Baxter’s company jet, all he’ll tell me is that my passport photo is cute.
