Page 206 of Luna

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"I'm happy to listen. I have practice pretending to see interested when someone drones on about something obscure."

My hand slides down her back, brushing over her ass, and then moves back up to her back. "Did your trustee ever call you a sassy little wench?"

She giggles and I wish the band would stop playing so that it could be the only sound I ever hear again. "Funny you should say that, I think he did. He also said I was cute and sexy, and that he would travel inordinate distances just to see me.

I sigh. "He sounds romantic."

"Er. He had his moments. Most of the time he was grumpy."

My lips find her ear, whispering, "Maybe someone was constantly annoying him."

"Maybe he was just annoyed because he didn't know what to do about his feelings for her," she whispers back, making me shiver.

"Maybe. Maybe because she made it so difficult. She is hardly the right person for him."

"Maybe that wasn't her fault. Maybe the universe just works in mysterious ways"

We dance for a few seconds, taking a break from the banter. Me just enjoying her body in my arms.

"What if your trustee and his annoying wench were right here now, what would we say to them?" I ask at the break in the music.

Her eyes bore into mind. "That he needs to get over his shit, and tell her, in no uncertain terms, how he feels about her. She might shut up for once, and let him."

"And if they say there's too much baggage?"

She shrugs. "They're rich, they can afford baggage handlers."

I laugh. I missed laughing. I pull her close to me, every inch of her body pressed against mine, as I whisper, "Luna, the sassiest, annoyingest, most antagonizing little gorgeous wench I've ever had the misfortune of meeting?"

She doesn't say anything, and I think I've gone too far, then she whispers back, "I'm shutting up for once."

"Right!” Gently tilting her chin back, I whisper, “I love you."

She beams. "Duh. I love you."

She might say something after that, but I don't hear it after my mouth crashes down on hers, my hair tangling in her hair, feeling it slide between my fingers like satin. Her breath, sweet like candy cane kisses against my lips.

"I've missed you so much, Moonshine.”

Her fingers tickle my neck as she breathes me in. “Duh, about that too.”



Have you ever feltlike you're a princess in an actual fairy tale?

The dress, the ball, the Prince Charming...?

I can say that now I have. And it's every bit the fantasy that I never knew I had.

Kingsley never leaves my side, not for a second. His hands is either firmly clasping mine, or it's anchored in the small of my back, or locked around my waist as he holds me on the dancefloor.

He smiles and makes polite conversation with the guests who come up to him, but after a few sentences, he always excuses himself, saying, "I'm terribly sorry, but I just can not concentrate on anything you're saying, because I'm too busy being distractedby Luna." They just laugh and walk away, telling him to enjoy his night, leaving me shaking my head at him.

"Kingsley, it's such an important night for you, you need to mingle,” I say after he basically tells the COO of Tan International to beat it, in the polite way only Kingsley can.

He sighs, sliding his hands down my back and pulls me closer to him, his lips catching in my hair. "Exactly. It's an important night, and I'm doing the most important thing to me. Being with you."

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