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"I can't believe you two." But I can't help but smile too.

I look at the door as it opens and find Heather peeking her head in. Her eyes widen, then soften, when she sees me in my dress for the first time.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you."

"And yes, everything is going fine," she answers my unasked question. "We're seating everyone now so you two can come with me."

Sophie and Charlotte give me tight hugs and walk into the hallway.

"I'll be back for you in a few minutes," Heather tells me.

Alone now, I sit at the vanity and open the black box Jackson brought. We agreed to show up to the ceremony already wearing the rings we bought each other. A soft gasp escapes me when I see the ring sitting inside. I put it on, tears blurring my sight for a moment until I close my eyes and fight them back. Then, I admire the ring on my finger. Semi open in the front, it wraps around the back of my finger until it ends on a diamond on the left. On the right, the white gold splits into bands to end in a diamond above and another below the middle one on the other side. Perfect to represent us.

I take a deep breath and stand, ready to go when Heather comes in to tell me it's time. Following her through the different rooms of the botanical garden, I am amazed that Heather was even able to get this place on such short notice. All I really said that I specifically wanted was a garden. A beautiful garden. She got me a building full of them. Because it's been raining all week, we can't have the ceremony outside, but with how beautiful everything indoors is, I don't regret it at all. Since we decided to walk into the ceremony together, when Heather brings me into the outer room of the main garden, Ezekiel and Jeremiah are waiting there. They’re standing sideways, their heads turned away from me as they look around the room and talk to each other, so I get to take them in for a moment without them knowing.

Both in all-black, three-pieces suits, black shoes, and rose gold pocket squares on their jackets. Jeremiah's hair is down, looking more styled than ever, both their beards freshly trimmed. God, they look like so much more than I deserve, and everything more than I ever hoped for. And on their fingers are my rings. Ezekiel's black with a titanium outline around it. Jeremiah's the same colors but reversed, titanium with a black outline. Both with our names inscribed on the inside. I'm not at all surprised when their gazes find me at the same time.

Jeremiah's mouth drops open while Ezekiel’s hand comes up to cover his. I chuckle after a few silent moments.

"Well, someone tell me I look beautiful," I joke.

As they both begin walking towards me, Heather says she'll be on the other side of the doors, opening them when it's time. I don't see her walk through them with Ezekiel and Jeremiah blocking my view. I crane my head back to look at them.

"Beautiful is much too insignificant a word to describe how you look," Ezekiel says.

"Gorgeous, stunning, a masterpiece. None of those seem enough, either," Jeremiah adds. "Let's just go look like you stepped straight out of a dream."

"I will accept that." I smile. "Now, kiss me."

Jeremiah kisses me first, but I feel Ezekiel's lips go to my neck, never one to wait if he wants his mouth on me. Jeremiah's tongue slips past my lips, but just as I moan, he pulls back.

"Not in front of the flowers," he teases.

"Fuck those flowers," Ezekiel says before slamming his mouth down on mine.

My chuckle quickly turns into a gasp when he circles my tongue with his own. Jeremiah's fingers trail down where my dress has a deep dip until it reaches my lower back and I shiver between them.

"The things we're going to do to you when we get this dress off tonight," he promises.

I'm pretty sure Ezekiel breaks our kiss just so he can see how flustered I am.

"Why do you want me blushing at my own ceremony?" I accuse.

"I told you a long time ago." Ezekiel grins. "Pink looks good on you."

"It's time," Heather whispers.

I feel like we all take a collective deep breath, and each chuckle when we notice the other doing it.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Been ready," Jeremiah answers while Ezekiel says, "More than I've ever been for anything before."

Then, they each take one of my hands and we walk through the door. For once, most likely because it's my own ceremony, and because Ezekiel and Jeremiah are beside me instead of driving me crazy from the other side of the aisle, I do take in what's around me. Flower upon beautiful flower. All different colors and sizes. Tall orange ones lining the walkway. Tiny pink ones creating overhead archways every few feet. Yellow ones hanging from vines above us and red flowers peeking out of green bushes between the archways. I don't think it could have been any better. We reach the officiant and I try hard to focus on his words instead of the feel of Jeremiah and Ezekiel's hands in mine. Both warm, both comforting, and both strong. Both perfect fits in mine. Both these men are perfect for me.

"Lexa?" the officiant quietly asks.
