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"Promises, promises." I smile.

But I know he'll keep that promise. He and Ezekiel both will. Always will. Every promise they've given me in and out of the bedroom. Each whispered word they've said in the dark and quiet of night as they held me between them. Every vow they made to me today.

My future, with them, is a certainty. And my love, for them, is absolute.


"I cannot believe he's starting pre-k tomorrow," I say, watching the kids run back and forth on the beach.

Shawn is bringing the water back to them in a bucket. My sons, Liam and Tristan are digging out the sand for Shawn to pour the water in, and make some kind of trench around the lopsided castle they've made. And Charlotte's daughter, Alicia, is, smartly, sitting on the sand and directing them on what to do. Shawn's hair falls in his face for the tenth time, and he has to stop pouring water to push it back. It makes me chuckle, him refusing to get a haircut until Law and Sophie agree to let him stay home from school.

"He only begged me not to have to go to school three times today." Sophie sighs. "So, I guess that's progress from the ten times yesterday."

"I feel bad for him," Charlotte states. "All they've known their whole lives is each other. Now he has to go to school and hang out with a bunch of strangers. We really should have planned better."

Sophie scoffs. "I don't plan at all. That's how I ended up pregnant in the damn summer again."

I snicker and she stops rubbing her very ready-to-pop belly to glare at me.

"I don't recall it being so funny when you found out you were having twins."

I give her a deadpan expression. "Do not even bring that up. It still makes me want to slap Ezekiel and Jeremiah when I think about that." I roll my eyes at their laughter. "But it worked outwell because they know two kids is all I'm popping out, so I'm done."

Charlotte barks out a laugh. "Not with the way they're kissing and touching you the moment they're close enough to."

"The other day, the boys sat us down and ever so politely said, and I quote, ‘Mommy and Daddies, please stop kissing so much. It's gross.’ And then just nodded at each other, as if their deed was done, and walked away. We didn't even know what the hell to say."

"There is no response to that." Charlotte laughs.

"That's what we told her."

I turn at hearing Ezekiel behind me. Years later and I still need a moment to collect myself when he and Jeremiah walk around with shirts off. I'd probably be a lot more jealous if it weren't for my name now being in that final puzzle piece on Jeremiah's chest, or that they both have my name tattooed across the four knuckles of their left hands.

"The food. Finally!" Sophie exclaims. "You took forever."

"It's literally been five minutes," Law points out.

"That's like an hour in pregnant woman time." Jackson chuckles.

They call the kids over and we all eat, each kid giving us reasons, that they clearly discussed ahead of time, for why Shawn should be allowed to stay home until they can all go to school together next year. My attention turns to Jeremiah though, when I see him jutting his chin towards my phone sitting face down on the table. Ezekiel's typing away on his phone, which is rare when we're all together. Confused and thinking maybe one of our mothers had an emergency, I pick up my phone. The text messages on my screen when I unlock it are definitely not about an emergency. Instead, I see message after message of Jeremiahand Ezekiel talking about what they're going to do to me, with me, tonight. I look up and peek around just to make sure nobody can see my phone, making Ezekiel and Jeremiah's snicker. I swallow and look back down at my phone.

So far, Jeremiah's eaten me out while I sucked Ezekiel's cock. Then they switched, Ezekiel's lips wrapping around my clit and his fingers deep inside me while Jeremiah filled my mouth. So sure that this will have made me come twice already, which...I know they're not wrong, they move on to fucking me. Ezekiel in my pussy, Jeremiah in my ass.

Biting down on my lip and hoping no one notices me rubbing my thighs together, I begin typing.

Me: With both of you inside me, what will be in my mouth to keep me quiet?

I look up at them to see their reactions. Ezekiel's eyebrows raise before his eyes lift from the screen to meet mine. Jeremiah just smirks and begins typing. My phone vibrates a few seconds later.

Jer: The fingers Zek had in your pussy will be filling your mouth.

Zek: Don't worry. I'll take them out just in time for you to moan our names.

A shiver races through me

"Are you cold, Mommy?" Liam asks.

I look at him with alarmed eyes and hold my phone to my chest as if he can somehow see my texts through them, or even read.
