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"Yes, even her, which as you get to know her you'll find pretty funny because she is so anti-love."

"Interesting. Maybe my balls are safe, then."

"Maybe. She still has a mean right hook."

"And how the hell do you know that?'

"This guy grabbed my ass in a restaurant one time, and before I could even fully turn around, Lexa had punched him so hard, a damn tooth flew out of his mouth. She still the tooth."

I expect him to laugh, but his face is stern as he asks, "Who was he? Did you get his name?"

"Oh my God, Law. No. We were busy running, so Lexa didn't get an assault charge. Your anger does turn me on, though. Tell me what you would do if you ever got your hands on him."

"I would end him, slowly, painfully. And I would make sure you were there, to hear him apologize before you hear him scream. And then." His mouth goes to my ear. "During his last moments, I would fuck you while he watched, while he saw me grab this ass that he was losing his life for."

"I should not like what you're saying as much as I do," I whisper.

"Yes, you should."

He smacks my ass and then urges me toward the door. "Come on. Because if we don't leave right now, we won't be leaving any time soon."

When we arrive at the hospital, Charlotte's face lights up as we walk in. I already knew she was excited from her excessive use of exclamation points when I texted her this morning to let her know Law had shown up, and stayed the night, but seeing it warms me.

"I'm glad to see you two together again. And thank you for breakfast."

I look up at him in confusion and he smiles.

"I was finally able to eat solids today and was dreading those dry pancakes they bring up." Charlotte continues, “But then, in comes a cart loaded with every breakfast food I could think of. Which, by the way, since you own this place, please do something about those pancakes. They look and taste like cardboard."

"Char." I chuckle.

"No. It's good. Let me hear it all," Law says. "I guess I was a little naïve about how things run here, or I was learning the ropes a little too slowly because I can see now there's a lot I want to change."

"Like?" I ask.

"Like Stephanie got fired. I don't want anyone working here who makes the patients and their families feel less than."

"I think I should feel bad, but I really don't," I tell him.

"No, you shouldn't. I've learned we need to re-up the vending machines more often, that some of the nurses here really need recognition for the extra care they give, that the parking in the garage is absolutely horrid, and that we definitely need to set up more programs for families in need of help with expenses."

I kiss his cheek, earning anawwfrom Charlotte.

"So, when can we start planning my party?" Charlotte asks.

"Me and Lexa said we'd throw Char a party after her recovery," I tell Law. "Lexa is planning it..."

"And I can provide the chef," he adds. "My brother, I think I told you he's a chef."

"But is he the best chef?" I arch a brow.

"He is." Law chuckles. "And I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. He always makes a tasting menu for any party he caters, so you can tell him which dishes you like the best."

"Oh!" Charlotte exclaims. "That's like a party before the party."

"Charlotte loves to eat. It is literally her favorite thing to do. But," I look at her before continuing, "I hope she remembers she's on a doctor approved diet for the foreseeable future."

"Ugh. Bland and unfulfilling. Sounds like fun."
