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"You guys can have it at my house," Law offers.

"Our house," I correct him with a smile, but then my eyes are snapping to Charlotte.

She beams at me, and my worries abate.

"If we do it in a few months, it'll be summer and we can have it outside," I say.

"Listen, I've done the heavy lifting." She points toward her mid-section. "So this party planning is all on you and Lexa. I just want to show up and look pretty. Oh, and taste that food. I'll be there for that part of the planning."

I chuckle. "I'm sure."

"Speaking of food, does anyone want anything from the vending machine?" Law asks.

"I'll take every chocolate bar they have," Charlotte answers.

"Be right back." He kisses my hair, lingers for a moment like he's still a little afraid I'll disappear if he's gone for too long. Not a chance.

He leaves, and I sit on the bed. Charlotte takes my hand in hers.

"Did you tell him? That you love him?" she quietly inquires.

"I did. And he said it back."

"Of course, he did. He doesn't strike me as a stupid man."

"I'm not moving until you've recovered," I tell her, but she shakes her head.

"I don't want you putting your life on hold for me. You've done that enough."

"I'm not. It'll give me time to pack and plan your party. Because we are gonna have a party to end all parties."

She smiles and crooks her finger for me to come closer. I lean in.

"Was the make-up sex good?" she whispers.

I throw my head back in laughter. "It was amazing, Char."

She grins. "That's all I really needed to hear." Then she squeals. "My little sister's in love."

"Well, those are definitely words I like to walk into a room to," Law says.

I look over my shoulder at him walking in, hands full of chocolate bars. This man, suit fitting every single inch of a body that makes me hot just thinking about it. Smiling at me like I'm his entire world. My heart beats faster just looking at him, the heart that irrevocably belongs to him.

We came together out of desperation, me for a way out of a dire situation, him searching for the reason I filled his every thought. We're still together out of desperation… only now we're just desperate for more of each other.

He dumps all the bars on the bed and a nurse coming into the room gives me an excuse to take Law across the room while she checks Charlotte's vitals.

"What had your eyes shining when you looked at me just now?" Law asks.

"You. Just you."

"I love you."



I smile. "Madly?"
