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"Sir, yes, sir." I mock salute before asking, "And hey, why didn't Lexa, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel get roped into this?"

"Lexa is supposed to be here in an hour, and Jeremiah and Ezekiel are doing this community outreach program at the gym today," Sophie explains.

"Hmm, funny how they always find a way to get out of the heavy lifting," I tease.

"Guess they're just smarter than you," Sophie jokes, then as if she's just remembered something, pulls on Law's arm. "I forgot to tell you that the woman from..."

They begin talking and Jackson comes closer to me. He does it in such a way that I'm sure no one but me notices him moving. But I notice. Every single part of me notices. My heart, my pulse, my pussy, they all notice. My heart starts thundering. My pulse begins pounding. My pussy floods with heat, and wetness.

"Why do you look so flushed?" he asks low, but also grins. He loves it. Asshole.

"I'm not sure how the hell to act around you right now."

"Like you always do. Stare at me when you don't think I'm looking." I glare at him, but he just smirks and continues. "Lick those beautiful lips as you watch me." His own eyes go to my lips as he says it. "And torture me with those hips and that ass as you walk away from me. Easy, right?"

"Oh my God, Jackson. You are not helping at all."

"I never said I wanted to."

"Alright, Char," Sophie states. "No more stalling. Let's get to the clothes, servant."

"And if you guys get done with that before we get done with this crib," Law adds as they begin walking back toward the living room, "I beg you to come save us from the hell of building it."

"Oh, you know I like it when you beg, but no chance." Sophie laughs.

I begin following her up the steps but look over my shoulder at Jackson as I go. He’s looking at me over his shoulder too. He shoots me a wink that I'm sure has me blushing before I turn my head straight again. Then I'm walking behind Sophie into the almost completed nursery, and my eyes land on the laundry. The very large, wide pile of laundry.

"Shit, Sophie."

"Hey, I tried to warn you."

"Bullshit." I chuckle. "This isn't laundry for a newborn. This is from two tiny football teams. What the hell?"

"First, it was me going overboard buying way more clothes than the baby will probably ever wear. But then, when the doctor started saying the baby is measuring big, Law became convinced none of the newborn clothes would fit, so he went out and bought freaking six-month clothes. I'm pretty sure I saw some nine-month stuff in there too."

"It's cute, in a way. But definitely not cute when you have to wash everything between now and a few weeks when the baby comes."

"Which is why I'm trying to get everything done now," she says as she sits in her glider.

My eyes snap from the laundry to her, wide with concern. "Why? Does the doctor think you're gonna go into labor early or something?"

"No. You just never know, though. So I'd rather everything be ready than me and Law have to scramble to get everything done at the last minute." Then she smiles. "Look at you, all worried over me when you hated how much I worried when you were in the hospital."

"I'm the older sister. I'm supposed to worry."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Worry about this laundry and help me separate it."

We're finishing up getting the laundry into four piles on the floor when Lexa arrives. I say a quick hello before I finally,and I never thought I'd be so happy to be taking a load of laundry to the laundry room, leave the nursery, carrying the very full basket of light-colored clothes down the stairs. I walk past the living room, hearing Law and Jackson arguing about the way some bar goes to the basement door.

I get to the washing machine, making sure I use the detergent Sophie specifically told me to, and am turning around when a gasp of shock escapes me.

"I've been waiting for you to come in here," Jackson says low, closing the laundry room door behind him.

"You have?"

He nods, walking toward me. I take small steps back, keeping distance between us. Until I hit the vibrating washing machine and am trapped between it and Jackson.

"Why?" I ask, having to look up at him now with how close he is.
