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She still gives me a confused look as I come toward her to get some of the snacks off the counter.

"Come on," I urge.

"Oh, so now you're the one rushing me. Funny." She grabs some boxes and waters and follows behind me. "Yay. Let's get back to the laundry party. What fun."

Just as we reach the top of the stairs, I hear Jackson talking to Law. And already, just hearing his voice, has me wanting him again. Damn it.

"What the hell took you both so long?" Sophie asks when we enter the nursery.

"I was getting the snacks. I don't know what the hell Char was doing down there."

"Well, you've got that damn high-tech washing machine." I nervously chuckle. "Took forever to figure out."

Luckily, Sophie rolls her eyes. "I seriously hate that thing. What should be like three buttons is fifty on there. It's ridiculous."

I release a quiet breath of relief as Sophie and Lexa begin talking last-minute things for the baby shower. But I begin to pay more attention when I hear Jackson's name.

"You're kidding me, right?" Sophie asks.

Lexa shakes her head. "Every last thing. He gave me his card and told me not to charge you or Law for anything."

"Well, shit, Lexa. If I had known Jackson was paying for everything, I might have scaled back a little."

"Which is exactly why he told me not to tell you or Law. So, don't go ruining it. Everything is already paid for, so it's done."

Sophie looks at me. "You see, this is why I keep telling you there's just no way you guys won't work out. He's freaking amazing, you're amazing. It can't go wrong."

"I never said I thought he was a bad guy," I say. "Just that I don't want to find out if we're bad together."

I don't need this right now. Not with the feeling of him being inside of me still pulsing through my blood. Not with his kiss still lingering on my lips. Not when I've already been tortured by how much I miss him, or that I miss him at all. I hate how much I want to text him, call him, how hard it's becoming to stop myself from asking him to come over.

I'm starting to want more, when I know that I shouldn't. Can't. We are two fantasies coming together, dreams becoming real, all while we're pretending.

I cannot have feelings for him. Cannot miss him. Cannot want him beyond what he already gives. I can't, and yet, I do.

"Well, I think you'd be perfect for each other," Sophie states.

I'm starting to think so too. And it terrifies me.

Chapter 6

"If one more person talks to me about the baby needing a sibling, I am going to commit homicide," Sophie basically growls.

I barely contain my laughter from escaping. "You want me to start throwing people out?"

"You point them out and I'll have Jeremiah and Ezekiel be the muscle," Lexa adds.

"Oh, I don't know if they'd want to take a break from eye-fucking you, Lexa." Sophie snickers.

Okay, I lose my battle with laughter that time. Lexa glares at us both.

"I am very purposely avoiding their stares at all costs," Lexa says. "So I don't need either of you pointing it out, thank you very much."

"But why are you avoiding their stares is the question?" I ask.

She arches her brow at me. "Are we asking obvious questions right now, because I could ask why you and Jackson have been staring at each other the entire baby shower?"

"What?" I squeak.
