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And I know he's close. The strain in his voice, how he's somehow pumping into me even faster, his sounds in my ear, clearly desperate for his finish. And I'm right there with him, and all it takes it one hand shooting up to my throat to get me there. He pushes me back with it, as he tightens it, making it so we're face-to-face. My arms fall away from his neck, going behind me to help me balance, to help me be in a position where my thighs can stay wide, because God, it's a losing battle at this point. Especially with the intensity of our noses being mere inches apart and his gray eyes staring into mine. I don't dare to even think of closing them as I begin to come, and neither does he as he barely slides out of me before thrusting back in. His grip gets tighter as a heavy sigh leaves him, and then he's using his grip to close that small distance between us and kiss me again.

It's crazed, somehow still hungry even after what we've just done. It only becomes tamer as he begins to slide into me slower and slower until he stops. One last touch of his lips to mine and then he's pulling his lips away as he slides out of me. I miss him being inside of me already. And with a certain kind of dread, I realize I'm preparing for when I miss him when he leaves this room. When he goes back to the living room and I to the nursery, and we're so close but so far away from each other. Shit.

No fucking feelings, Charlotte.I chide myself. It's just the sex. It's just because this time felt less like the other times we've been together. That's all. I can tell myself that lie for as long and as often as I need to.

"I don't know how the fuck you're going back upstairs." Jackson snickers.

My eyes widen at realizing he's right. I'm sure my hair is a mess, and before it was barely hiding the bite mark. I doubt it's gonna do much for the new mark I'm sure I have there now. I can feel how swollen my lips are, and I probably have finger marks on my neck.

"You bastard," I seethe.

He just smirks as he walks over to the sink on the other end of the laundry room and washes his hands. I hop down from the washing machine and bend over to put my leg back into my leggings and panties. When I look back at Jackson, I find him running his fingers through his hair to throw it in that damn messy bun that I think about way too much. Then he's smiling at me.

"What are you smiling at?"

"I'm gonna be in the living room, knowing that you're upstairs with my cum leaking out of you."

"I can't stand you."

"That's not what you were saying a few minutes ago."

"As I recall, I wasn't saying much of anything." I tilt my head. "Or maybe there wasn't much to say."

He's back in front of me in an instant, eyes alight with lust once again. "I could always fuck you again right now. See if I can make you scream."

And I know he would, without so much as a word from me.

"Charlotte?" Lexa calls. "Are you okay?"

My eyes shoot to the closed door, then back at Jackson as he says, "Run along now, Little Red. The Big Bad Wolf will comefind you soon." He steps even closer. "And when he does, he's gonna devour you."

A shaky breath leaves me as Lexa calls my name again.

"I'm coming," I shout.

"Again?" Jackson smirks.

I narrow my eyes at him before I walk around him to the door. Hand on the knob, I begin to turn it, but then I pause. I only turn slightly, just enough for me to see Jackson out the corner of my eye.

"Why did you smell me earlier?" I ask.

"Because I wanted to make sure the scent that's been on my mind for days was correct."

My eyes widen. "Was it?"

"It was."

I can't take asking another question, so I leave, closing the door behind me. But even then, I don't take another step once I've done that. I feel like I'm not quite ready for our moment to be over yet, even if there's a door between us now. My head falls back to the door, and I tell myself, I command myself, not to feel what I am right now. But I do anyway, a longing for Jackson beyond sex. A want to see that smirk again right now. A need to feel his touch, even when it's not on a place that will have me shivering. No, no, no. I have to shake my head just to make myself truly understand. That is not what this is. Nowhere near.

"One sec, Lexa," I call out as I step away from the door.

I rush to the bathroom and do the best I can at finger combing my hair and making sure it covers the, yup, new mark. I straighten my clothes and ignore the fact that I can feel Jacksonleaking out of me into my panties. Then I go up the stairs, find Lexa in the kitchen, halfway in the refrigerator.

"Soph sent me to get you and for snacks," she says. "But as long as I've been waiting for you, she's probably ready for dinner now."

She chuckles until it cuts off as she closes the refrigerator and looks at me, arching a brow. "Did you get in a fight with the washing machine and lose or something?"

"Or something," I murmur, hoping like hell that Jackson doesn't come out of the basement right now. But just in case... "I'll help you carry everything up."
