Page 11 of Her Heart's Desire

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Kathy cocked her head. “What about Jake?”

Even though she feared acting like a moth to the flame, she knew she couldn’t walk away. She had to settle this mess with Jake to regain control of her life. “He and I have come to an understanding. We’ll share the cabin for two weeks, but keep separate.”

Kathy smiled and shook her head. “Sure, you will.”

Samantha ignored her amused remark. “I was wondering if Ramsey told you why he decided to come here for vacation.”

“He’s here on business. Or, at least, that’s what the Chief said. We’re supposed to make extra patrols by the cabin and offer assistance as needed.”

“That’s odd. This keeps getting more intriguing. What kind of business could he be conducting in the wilds of the north woods?”

“I’m not sure. He’s keeping it close to the vest. I know he wired the cabin and boathouse, and we’ve increased our patrols.”

The telescope and laptop would fit in with an undercover operation.

Samantha got to her feet. “I’m going to dig and find out why he’s here.”

“That’s just what I’m worried about,” Kathy said as Samantha walked toward the door. “Don’t do anything stupid. I’d hate to have to arrest you.”

As she stepped outside, Samantha heard the distinctive clunk of her defective passenger door slamming shut.

“My car!” She spun toward it.

A man wearing a blue baseball cap sprinted away and raced around the corner.

Samantha ran to her car and tore open the door. The contents of her glove box and console lay strewn across the front seats. CDs glinted in the sun. Papers were crumpled and fluttering in the breeze.

Kathy walked out of the diner. “What happened?”

“Some guy did this. He heard me coming and took off.”

“Who was he?”

“I didn’t recognize him. All I saw was his back. He was tall, dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, and wearing a blue baseball cap.”

“That describes half the men around these parts. We’ve had a rash of petty thefts lately. Did he take anything?”

Samantha cast a shaken glance over the jumbled mess. “It’s hard to tell. What kind of jerk would do a thing like this?”

“I’ll write up a complaint.”

Samantha shivered. “I guess it was just a random act of vandalism. I’ll keep my doors locked from now on.”

Jake limped into the bathroom in search of aspirin for his aching knee. He opened the medicine cabinet, noting Samantha's bottles lined up on the shelf. Evening Primrose, that’s what she’d offered him earlier, said it helped cramps.

Shrugging, he grabbed the bottle and took one. Reading the back of the bottle, he saw it was good for PMS and cramps. Well, it wouldn’t kill him. At the rate they were going, he’d have a severe case of blue balls before the week was through. He was still semi-aroused. He’d never forget how she’d caught fire in his arms, coming, shivering against him. It was imprinted on his brain.

He walked out to the living room and punched in Samuel Logan’s private number on speed dial. He paced the room's confines while waiting for his boss to pick up. No doubt, big Sam was in a foul temper by now with the wedding canceled.

“Logan here. This better be important.”

Jake stifled a grin at his gruff tone. “It’s Ramsey.”

“Goddamn, Ramsey, you must be psychic. I was just about to call you. You’ve got to drop what you’re doing and hunt down my daughter. She jilted Grayson and took off.”

“Leave her alone. There’s no need to hunt her down. She’s here at the cabin.”

“I don’t believe it. Do you mean to tell me she ran off to meet you of her free will? The girl can’t stand you.”
