Page 10 of Her Heart's Desire

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“Ramsey pulled me inside, threw me to the floor, and touched my...”

“Your what?”

“My breasts.”

“Well, it would be hard to miss those,” Kathy said, grinning to break the tension. “You do have a rather impressive pair. It’s a good thing he’s got big hands.”

“Very funny. I’m not interested in the barbarian’s hands or any other part of his anatomy, for that matter.” She clamped her thighs together, recalling and rejecting the memory of his magic touch.

“You know what they say, big hands, big—”

“Never mind,” Samantha cut in. She needed to change the subject, fast.

Kathy smiled. “Remember the breast enlargement exercise book we got ahold of when we were thirteen?”

Samantha flashed a big grin. “How could I forget our quest for curves that summer? I never did so many pushups in all my life.”

“Yeah, I did build up some rather impressive biceps. Just no boobs,” Kathy said, looking down at her petite curves. “You, on the other hand, grew like mad throughout the summer.”

“It’s all genetic, and you know it.” Samantha smiled at her friend’s irrepressible grin. “Let’s get back to the subject at hand.”

“Did he try anything else?”

“He frisked me.”

“You mean, patted you down for weapons? You probably scared the poor man to death.”

“Poor man?” Samantha gaped at her in disbelief. Did she think their little tussle had scared him? “Come now. He’s a lot bigger than I am.”

“He’s also super-paranoid about prowlers.” Kathy shrugged. “He had some trouble back home.”

“I didn’t know about the trouble back home. It explains his over-reaction last night, but doesn’t clarify his strange attitude today. He’s still being nasty to me.”

“What do you mean, nasty?”

Samantha sighed, flashing back to their passionate embrace. “He kissed me.”

Kathy rolled her eyes. “Oh, wow. That’s just brutal.” She leaned forward and gazed at her neck. “I see that’s not all he did.”

Samantha frowned. Did her reaction show? She couldn’t still be glowing, could she? “What do you mean?”

“He gave you a love bite.”

“What?” Her hand went to her throat. Her gaze flashed to the mirror behind the counter. Of all the uncivilized, macho tricks, the man had marked her. She watched herself blush, recalling the heady encounter. She’d been too caught up in action to care what he was doing.

She buttoned the top button on her blouse. “That just tears it.” She’d have to rub the love bite with vitamin E to heal it quickly.

“It can’t be all that bad. Why don’t you two kiss and make up?”

“No way. The man’s too complicated for me. After we kissed, he yelled at me. He’s been running hot and cold and acting suspicious since last night.”

“Considering how things started, there’s bound to be some tension. Like my mother said, what you give is what you get back. If you treat him in a friendly manner, he’ll probably reciprocate.”

Samantha gave up the argument. Kathy would disagree, but she knew she had to reset boundaries for her own peace of mind or she’d tumble into his bed like a ripe plum. She wasn’t ready for a man like him. Even so, he made her feel like a warm, sexy woman. It was a reaction that scared the heck out of her.

“So, what are your plans? I can put you up at my place.”

“No, thanks.” Samantha smiled and patted Kathy’s hand. “I appreciate the offer, but I intend to stay at the cabin.”
