Page 23 of Her Heart's Desire

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“It could have been someone trying to divert suspicion. Or it could have been someone out to hurt you or your father.”

She chilled at Jake’s grim deduction. It was true. Setting Tad up for a fall would be the perfect way to destroy their father. Jake wouldn’t let that happen. He was too good at his job to let the crooks slip away. She had complete faith in his abilities, but now realized it went further. He cared personally for her family.

Tad went pale. “What can I do to help?”


Samantha nodded. “Yes, listen to Jake. He’s the only one who can untangle this treacherous mess.”

Tad turned to gaze at her. “Speaking of messes, it brings me back to what I asked earlier. What are you doing here, sis?”

Darn, she’d hoped he’d forgotten that question. Seeing his concerned expression, she sighed. “If you must know, I’m hiding out.”

Tad’s eyes widened. “From what?”

She hesitated, not wanting to discuss her tragic love life with her kid brother.

Jake scowled, then bit out, “Grayson St. James.”

“Why does she have to hide from him?”

Tad’s outraged tone was worrying, and she didn’t want her brother to do anything rash.

She smiled, hoping to soothe him. “Let’s talk about this later.”

Jake frowned. “She’s hiding from her crumb of an ex-fiancé because he’s certifiable.”

“What?” Tad turned a startled glance her way.

Fixing Jake with a repressive glance, she tried to find a suitable way to explain things. Tad, she knew, wouldn’t rest until he knew the truth. His protective instincts were on alert.

Finally, she opted for the truth. “I caught him in bed with another woman.”

“That son-of-a-bitch. I’ll kick his ass.”

“You’ll have to stand in line for that pleasure.” Jake’s smile was savage.

Tad gazed at him with new understanding, then turned to her. “Does Dad know?”

“No, and don’t you dare tell him. I’ll handle it my way. I warn you both now. I won’t tolerate any violence.” She saw the conspiratorial look the men shared and almost groaned.

“Who was she?”

“That’s what Jake asked me. What is it with you, men? Thewhodoesn’t matter, thewhatwas enough to send me running.”

Chapter 4

Samantha came awake slowly, enveloped in Jake’s scent. She reached out to find a cold, empty pillow next to her. Of course, she was sleeping solo in the loft while Tad and Jake bunked downstairs.

She recalled the turmoil of last night and sighed. Poor Tad, to get pulled into this mess. She approved of his desire to protect his girlfriend, even though she questioned the girl’s morals for stealing in the first place. Time would tell what would happen to their budding relationship. She knew it hurt to have his romantic dreams shaken. She could only hope this rough patch would be the start of their maturity. As for her love life, she’d seen a new side of Jake last night. The trauma seemed to have given their budding relationship wings.

A soft footfall alerted her to another presence.

She glanced over to find Jake wrapped in a towel, still damp from the shower. She met his eyes and could feel herself blush, imagining what that skimpy towel barely concealed. The man wasn’t shy about his body. And a magnificent body it was.

“You could at least knock,” she grumbled, sitting up.

“There’s no door.” He smiled.
