Page 22 of Her Heart's Desire

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“You can’t make me talk. I don’t care what you do to me, Ramsey.”

She shook her head. “Can’t you see, Tad? The best way to help your girlfriend is to let a professional take care of it. Even if you don’t like Jake, you must agree, he’s good at his job.”

Tad hesitated a moment, then sighed. “She works at Logan Industries. Her name is Jennifer Mitchell.”

The name sounded familiar. She wracked her brain for a face to go with it. Oh yes, she’d met Jennifer a few weeks back when she’d visited her dad. She was cute and blonde, just her kid brother’s type.

“Uncle Delbert’s new secretary. I had no idea you two were an item.”

“Nobody does. Jenny wanted it to be our secret.”

Jake frowned. “So, what does this alleged blackmailer have on her?”

“It’s all a big misunderstanding.”

“Of course, it is,” she broke in, ignoring Jake’s raised brow. Couldn’t he see that a gentle approach would work best? She reached out to touch her brother’s hand. “We only want to help. Answer Jake’s questions, okay?”

Tad nodded and leveled a defiant glance at Jake. “She took some petty cash, but she would put it back soon. Honest.”

Jake frowned. “How much?”

“Seven thousand dollars.”

“That was fast. She’s only worked for the firm for three months.”

“She had car problems, and she needed quick cash. She meant to put it back, but now it’s too late.”

“Is it, Jake?” She cast a curious glance his way. He was the head of security. Didn’t he have some leeway over things like this?

Jake’s jaw firmed. He glanced resolutely at Tad. “I’m not making any promises, but we may be able to work things out. We’ll deal with it when we get back to town. That’s the best I can do.”

Tad nodded eagerly. “I never thought to ask. I didn’t think—”

“That the goon would understand.”

“Yes, well...” Tad turned to look at Samantha.

“That still leaves the matter of the man you’re supposed to meet, Tad, if he shows up. Are you sure you don’t know who you’re dealing with?”

“Jenny said she didn’t have a clue who it was. Otherwise, I would have punched the sucker out.”

“Right.” Jake nodded.

“Oh, great. Don’t you two know violence never solves anything?”

“I could call Jenny and ask again.”

“No, I don’t want to tip anyone off.” Jake’s jaw tightened. “Someone served you up like a fall guy on a silver platter. I think it’s important to play this out.”

“What do you mean, served me up as a fall guy?”

“It isn’t a coincidence I’m here, kid. Logan Industries suffered a loss of technology for the last six months. We were closing in on the culprits when somebody blackmailed your friend Jennifer, and you were set up to take the fall. The question I’m asking now is, by whom?”

Tad shook his head. “I can’t believe it. You must be mistaken.”

Jake picked a paper off the counter. “It’s here in black and white. Whoever they were, they sent copies of your email to me.”

Tad’s jaw dropped as he scanned the paper. “But who? Why?”
