Page 33 of Her Heart's Desire

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“We feel like we were hit by a Mack truck.” Samantha smiled and winced, adding, “But we will recover.”

“Any nausea?”

“No. I’m starved, as a matter of fact.”

“Well, that’s a good sign. I’ll get you breakfast after the doctor makes his morning rounds.”

Half an hour later, Dr. Adams walked into the room. “The nurse tells me you’re doing better this morning.”

Samantha smiled at him. “That’s right. So, how about it? Can I go home?”

He looked at her eyes using a small light and examined the cut on her head. “It looks fine. You’re free to leave if you promise to take it easy for a few days. You aren’t up to any more late-night confrontations.”

“I’ll be careful, cross my heart.”

“You sure are anxious to get out of here.”

“I’m eager to get back in the swing of things. I need to help Jake finish up the investigation.”

Dr. Adams shook his head. “You’re in no shape to do anything like that, Sammy Logan. I thought you were off the case from what I heard last night.”

“That was just the stress talking last night. I know Jake didn’t mean it.” Noticing the doctor's frown, she hurried to reassure him. “Don’t worry. I promise that I’m simply going to be an armchair advisor.”

“See that you keep that promise,” Dr. Adams said, walking out the door.

A few minutes later, Samantha was choking down lumpy oatmeal when Tad walked into the room.

She smiled and put down her spoon. “They’re going to spring me this morning. I can’t wait to tuck into some real food. If I play my cards right, Jake will make me one of his special omelets.”

Tad looked away. “I’ll go see about signing you out.”

She blinked at the vacant spot where he had stood moments before. Why was he acting so nervous? Was he worried she blamed him for her injury?

She’d reassure him there were no hard feelings once they returned to the cabin.

Samantha buckled her seatbelt and breathed in the refreshing crisp morning air. The bright sunlight enhanced her upbeat mood. She could hardly wait to get back home to Jake. Instead of being unsettled by the notion, she felt warmed by it.

Tad pulled out into traffic, then drove at a low rate of speed. He came to a complete stop as the stoplight turned yellow, earning a blast on the horn from the car behind them.

She slanted a curious glance his way. It wasn’t Tad’s style to poke along. “You don’t need to slow down because of me. I’m not that fragile.”

“Right,” he muttered and eased into traffic as the light turned green.

She was surprised by his lack of reaction. Maybe it was just as well. Her head was beginning to throb. She dared a look in her visor mirror, noting the purple shiner highlighting her left eye and the row of stitches on her temple. She touched her forehead and winced at the stinging pain.

It was a good thing Jake had been around to help her. He seemed to be rapidly turning into her guardian angel. She wondered how he’d like to sign on for a lifetime job.

No, she wouldn’t think about forever. She’d be satisfied with the here and now.

Tad pulled into the rutted driveway, and her head throbbed with each bounce. He switched off the engine, got out, and sprinted around to open her car door before she even got it together enough to unbuckle her seatbelt. This head injury had slowed her down more than she cared to admit.

She allowed Tad to help her out of the car. “Boy, is it good to be home. This little setback won’t keep me down for long.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” he replied as he helped her navigate the bumpy front walk.

“I can hardly wait to get back to the investigation. After last night, it’s become even more of a personal quest to catch the jerk terrorizing us.”

He stiffened beside her, and she decided he was probably feeling guilty again.
