Page 35 of Her Heart's Desire

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“We might as well get this over with,” he said reluctantly.

“Right.” Time was of the essence if they were going to beat Jake to the punch.

She opened her car door and got out.

She thought about protesting when Tad rushed around the car to take her arm. Instead, she leaned on her brother, walking up the sidewalk on rubber band legs. Adrenaline, she realized, was the only thing keeping her going right now.

“I guess this is what they mean by bearding the lion in his den.”

“Just remember, his roar is worse than his bite,” she replied with a smile, appreciating his attempt at gallows humor.

Their father was firm, but fair. A self-made man, he’d always expected model behavior from his kids. Samantha had always fallen short of the mark, but Tad was his pride and joy. This was going to be tricky.

Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, opened the door. Her eyes widened, giving Samantha and Tad a curious once over. “Well, if you kids aren’t a sight for sore eyes. Your folks will be so happy to see you.”

Samantha relaxed at the warm greeting. They must have gotten here first. Score one for the Logan kids. She and Tad walked through the foyer and into the elegant sitting room to find their stepmother, Carol, a tall, elegant lady with aristocratic features and lovely silver hair, reading.

Carol put down her book and rushed over to greet them, hugging them. “I’m so happy you’re both here. Samuel and I have been going crazy, wondering where you went.” She pulled back, looked at Samantha’s black eye, and froze, seemingly horrified. “Samantha, my dear, are you alright?”

She knew the stitches on her forehead and her shiner weren’t pretty. She avoided Carol’s sympathetic gaze, fighting the stupid tears that suddenly welled in her eyes. All the while, she told herself to get a grip. The concussion was turning her into a basket case.

“It’s a long story. I’d rather not go into it now, if you don't mind.”

“Of course,” Carol replied gently. “When you’re ready, we’ll have a heart-to-heart talk about everything that’s happened.”

Samantha read the curiosity and concern in Carol’s voice. She knew there wouldn’t be any recriminations from her about the wedding that wasn’t. However, her father was another story. She wasn’t quite sure what his reaction would be to the loss of his handpicked son-in-law.

“We need to see Dad. Is he at home?”

“He’s in a private meeting in the den. Can I get you anything while you wait?”

She cleared her dry throat. “Something cold to drink would be nice. Iced tea if you’ve got it.”

“Same here,” Tad echoed, “but make mine with something stronger. I think I’m going to need it.”

Carol smiled. “Sit down and relax. I’ll be right back with the refreshments.”

Samantha paced the pearl gray carpet. It was almost the same color as Jake’s eyes, she realized. That errant thought brought her up short. She needed to focus on the job at hand and not her one-time lover. She just hoped her father wouldn’t come down too hard on Tad. He had made some mistakes, but he’d learned his lesson the hard way.

Carol returned carrying a silver tray of frosty drinks. “Help yourselves, kids.”

Samantha snapped open her purse, getting out her bottle of pain medicine. Her head was starting to throb. She grabbed a tall glass of iced tea and downed a tablet with a long pull on her drink. She frowned into the glass, realizing it wasn’t the iced tea.

Carol gazed at Samantha with concern. “You look kind of pale, honey. What are you taking the pill for?”

“She’s got a concussion.” Tad’s voice was tinged with guilt.

“What happened?” Carol glanced questioningly at the two of them.

Samantha tried to think up a good excuse. She didn’t want Carol to worry. “It’s nothing—”

“She was attacked by an intruder at the cabin last night.”

Carol gasped, her hand going to her throat.

Tad’s shoulders slumped. “It was all my fault. That’s what I intend to tell Dad.”

Samantha rolled her eyes at his dramatics. So much for trying to sugarcoat the facts. She should have known her boy scout of a brother would insist on taking all the blame. She took another pull from her drink while Tad filled Carol in on all the horrific details.
