Page 37 of Her Heart's Desire

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“Jake has also filled me in on why you fled your wedding and, more importantly, on the events at the cottage.”

Her smile faded. Had Jake told her father about her finding Grayson in bed with another woman? He’d led her to believe he’d let her broach the subject in her own time. His high-handed tactics were irritating. But, in a way, she was glad she didn’t have to talk about it. Still, it wasn't very pleasant. Had Jake filled him in on the Captain Kinky part? Her face grew hot while feeling distinctly uneasy about discussing such a personal subject with her dad.

His voice broke in on her musings. “I was, of course, upset about St. James’s infidelity. I’m sorry, honey, but don’t you worry. I’ll deal with him.”

The idea of Grayson being fired appealed to her, but did she want to be responsible for ruining his career? She knew her dad had the power. “You don’t need to fire him on my account. Let him stand or fall on his merit.”

“Let me worry about his job performance, or lack thereof. St. James is the least of our worries. What concerns me more is the fact that someone attacked you. I’m not going to sit idly by and let it happen again. So, in short, I want you under Jake’s protection until we get the individuals involved in the thefts and attack on you arrested. He has agreed to stay with the firm until the case is solved.”

Jake flashed her an apologetic smile. “That’s right, Sunshine, you get to be my last case.”

Oh great! It was probably the least romantic prospect she could imagine. She didn’t want to be an obligation to him. She wouldn’t keep him by her side with strings attached.

Slowly and wobbly, she got to her feet. “No, thanks. I’m going to take care of myself from now on.”

She turned to collide with Jake’s hard chest.

His arms came out fast to hold her. “No way, Sunshine. This little lettuce is not getting out of my sight.”

“Like hell.” She was annoyed he treated her like a wayward child. However, even in her fury, she couldn’t help responding to his nearness. Inhaling his natural, masculine scent, she was transported back to the night she’d nestled in his arms. Would she have the chance to go back? He’d liked her, lusted for her, but didn’t love her.

Looking over her shoulder, she found Carol and Tad standing in the hall. He had a militant expression on his face, and Carol looked concerned.

She hated the distress she was causing them by rejecting Jake’s protection. She turned to glance at her father, and worry lines bracketed his mouth. He seemed to have aged overnight.

Jake had her trapped in his web, and he knew it., Glancing up at his victorious expression, she had no choice but to become his last case.

Samantha slid into the passenger seat of her car as Jake got behind the wheel.

He turned the key in the ignition and smiled. She gazed back at him, confused and off balance. She wasn’t sure she wanted him with her day and night. He’d too easily manipulated her.

She slumped back in her seat with a huff. He may have gotten his way, but she didn’t have to like it. Jake Ramsey was a dirty fighter.

He pulled out of the driveway. She threw him a cutting glare as he eased into traffic in the wrong direction of her apartment. Oh no, he was taking her to his place. It would be on her turf if she had to deal with him.

“I’m not going to your place,” she stated flatly.

His jaw tightened before he let out a sigh, flipped on the turn signal, and turned toward her apartment building.

He seemed determined to remain calm and business-like. She wrinkled her nose because his exaggerated patience just made her more mad.

“You know where I live. I wouldn’t have thought that would be any of your business.” She was unable to resist the temptation to keep on baiting him.

“I keep tabs on all the Logans,” Jake responded evenly. “It’s part of my job as the head goon.”

He pulled into a parking spot next to her building.

She started to unbuckle her seatbelt, but his touch on her hand stilled her action.

“We need to talk about why I left.”

She heard his less-than-apologetic tone and frowned. Didn’t he know how torn up she felt? Or didn’t he care? The last thing she wanted from him was a half-hearted excuse.

“No, we don’t.”

He nodded. “Maybe you’re right. We can hash this over better inside.”

She got out of the car. Walking up to her front door, she fumbled in her bag for her key. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing to discuss. If he’d walked away to protect her, the sight of her should have made him soften. Instead, he was angry and on edge, hardly the gallant lover she’d built him up to be.
