Page 38 of Her Heart's Desire

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He took the key out of her hand and put it in the lock.

She didn’t like his high-handed attitude, but kept mum. She didn’t want to give the neighbors, some of whom were her clients, a free firework show that was sure to follow. Mrs. Morley was probably peeking at them now from two doors down through her lace curtains.

Jake opened the door, and she was about to step past him inside, when he blocked her move by putting an arm across the opening. “Stand back while I check it out.”

“Oh, please.” She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. “Is this necessary?”

His steely gaze quelled her protest. He was in goon mode again, and the best thing she could do was stand aside.

“Yes,” he replied briskly. “Despite the screw-up last night, I know what I’m doing.”

She wasn’t questioning his abilities, but he seemed to have taken her comment that way. He pulled a gun out of a shoulder holster under his jacket, and she shivered.

“This isn’t a game, Sunshine. Now stand back and let me make sure nobody’s left you any nasty surprises.”

She waited wide-eyed from the doorway as he checked her apartment. He looked around doors and poked into closets, while she shuddered at the possibility that the person who’d attacked her could hide in her apartment.

He finally strode back to her, slipping his gun into the holster. “The apartment is secure.”

She silently brushed past him, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion. Too much had happened to her in too short a time to deal with it all calmly.

“Damn it, Samantha, won’t you even look at me? We need to talk about us.”

She noted his irritation, but didn’t respond to it. “I’m not sure there is an us. I need some time to think about all that’s happened, Jake. Don’t push me for more than I have to give.”

“I guess I can understand that.” He sighed with a note of resignation. “Show me where I can bunk for the night.”

She turned to show him to the guest room, but her world swung on its axis.

“Oops,” she cried.

He reached out to catch her when she would have fallen to the floor. “I think that drink is catching up with you, Sunshine.”

Sleepily, she realized he was right. The drink she’d guzzled and the pain medication had done her in.

How humiliating!

As he laid her on the bed, she realized Jake was coming to her rescue again. Things would be better tomorrow, she reassured herself. There was nowhere to go but up.

Chapter 7

Samantha awoke with a splitting headache. She rolled over carefully and tried to fall back to sleep. The horrid little men swinging pitchforks inside her head wouldn’t let her return to the oblivion of slumber.

Sighing in defeat, she slowly sat up. “I might as well get this over with,” she croaked.

Good grief, she sounded like she’d swallowed a mouthful of cotton balls. She was turning into a drunken sot, thanks to Jake Ramsey. If the sight of him hadn’t shaken her up, she wouldn’t have drained her Long Island iced tea without thinking of the consequences last night.

She stood and wobbled as her head swam, then moaned as the movement brought instant pain.Help!Her poor head ached as if a mule had kicked it.

Then, she felt a chill, and glanced down to find she was naked. She’d been in no condition to undress last night, so she could only conclude Jake must have stripped her.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. He was taking way too many things for granted. She’d have to ensure he understood the conditions she intended to place on him. He would have to play by her rules if she were to tolerate his presence. She reached for her robe, belting it loosely around her queasy middle. The peach and white striped terrycloth robe was the oldest and most comfortable garment she owned, and right now, she needed the small measure of comfort it gave her.

Her head throbbed with each step she took as she carefully made her way out of the bedroom. Her stomach’s flip-flopping made her slow her pace to appease its quivering. She vowed never to mix medication and alcohol. One experience like this was quite enough.

Relentlessly plodding through the living room on her seek-and-destroy mission, she heaved a sigh of relief when Jake was seated at the kitchen table. His sympathetic smile at her approach didn’t improve her mood.

Scowling, she stepped into the doorway and sagged against the jamb. “All right, Ramsey, we have to get a couple of things straight.”
