Page 41 of Her Heart's Desire

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Samantha wondered what her staff would make of Jake’s heavy presence as they pulled into her shop's parking lot. He didn’t exactly fit the bill as a soda jerk. She shot an uneasy glance his way.

He turned off the ignition and turned to look at her. “What’s the matter?”

She wasn’t even sure of his status in her life. First, he was the goon, and then, he’d become her lover, and now, what? Her keeper? Bodyguard? Her father’s hired gun? The idea irritated her. No, he’d have to stay in the background for the time being.

“You don’t need to come in with me.”

“The hell I don’t.” He swung out of the car, and a few quick strides brought him to her door. He opened it. “Until this is solved, I’m going to be your shadow.”

She slanted him an annoyed look, but knew he wouldn’t relent. He’d stick by her side to the bitter end, no matter what she said.

“How am I going to explain you to my staff?”

“So, that’s what’s bothering you?” Jake flashed a suddenly bright smile. “Don’t fret. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

Head clerk Monica Brown, a plump, motherly, middle-aged woman, looked up in surprise when they entered the shop. “Samantha, how are you? I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”

She smiled, hoping to reassure Monica and divert any embarrassing questions about her canceled wedding. “I’m fine. I decided to come back early.”

“That’s probably best.” Monica nodded. “You need to keep busy to take your mind off things.”

Gary Bates, a junior clerk and college student, carried a box of supplies from the storeroom. “Hey, boss lady, it’s good to see you back.” He handed the box to Monica and walked to Samantha, casually placing one of his gangly arms around her shoulders as he gave her a friendly hug. He turned to look at Jake. “Who’s the new guy?”

Samantha smiled. The young man was as friendly as a puppy. Then she glanced at Jake to find him scowling at the innocent embrace.

She frowned at him.

Jake seemed to get the message. He flashed her a subdued smile. Pleased by his reaction, she hugged Gary back and stepped away.

“Everyone, this is Jake, a new employee. Gary, why don’t you acquaint him with operations? And then you can put him on start-up detail.”

“Sure thing, boss.” Gary smiled at Jake. “Come with me, and I’ll give you the two-cent tour.”

Samantha watched them walk away, relieved. So far, so good. Her morning staff seemed to accept Jake as one of them. She walked to the front of the shop to raise the shades and unlock the front door.

Monica gazed at her with an anxious look. She wasn’t up to discussing her fiasco of an engagement.

Samantha turned to face her, striving to appear calm and serene. “So, what’s on today’s list of events?”

“You’re sure you’re alright?”

“Quite sure.” Samantha placed a reassuring hand on Monica’s arm. “My marriage to Grayson St. James wasn’t meant to be. I had a lucky escape, but thanks for worrying about me.”

Monica let out a sigh of relief. “You’re welcome. I’m glad to see you’ve got such a good attitude.”

“Thanks. Let’s go over today’s agenda, okay?”

Monica smiled and ticked off on her fingers the day’s schedule. “We have the faculty tea, Billy Henderson’s birthday party, and the Marshall wedding shower. We’ve got five dozen petit fours, finger sandwiches, and the tea things set up with Marsha and Rose to serve.”

Samantha nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

Monica smiled. “Glad you approve. Next, Mark is coming with me as “Happy the Clown” for the birthday party. He can help me ride herd on the little devils.”

“Sounds like fun.” Murphy’s Law prevailed at children’s parties. Anything that could go wrong, usually did.

Monica shook her head. “Right. Finally, we have a new dancer coming in for the shower. He’s a senior at the university, majoring in performing arts. I auditioned him myself, and he’s good. A little bit nervous, but good.”

“Naughty girl.” Samantha chuckled at Monica’s blissful expression.
