Page 42 of Her Heart's Desire

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“I might be married, but I can still look.”

The front bell jingled. Samantha turned.

Grayson St. James entered the shop, and she groaned. Oh, good grief, how did he know she was here? She was still supposed to be on their honeymoon. What a crummy morning this was turning into.

He flashed a confident smile, striding toward her. “Thank heavens I found you. I’ve been searching everywhere for you, sweetie pie.”

Her stomach curdled at the pet name. She wasn’t buying his apologetic tone.

“I’m so sorry about what happened. Tell me my girl’s okay.” He leaned forward to kiss her.

Startled, she turned her head away so the kiss landed on her cheek. She cringed, pulling away. “I’m not your girl anymore. I think the fact I ran away from you that night made it clear. I’m not into your fun and games, so why don’t you turn around and leave!”

Her mouth turned dry as Grayson faltered, his smile slipping. Was he going to cause a scene? Maybe she should have listened to Jake and stayed home. Seeing Grayson’s lying, cheating face brought back the humiliation afresh.

He reached out to take her hand, bringing it up to brush a kiss across her knuckles. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, sweetie pie. It was the first time, the only time, I swear. I admit I was a curious fool. Please say you’ll forgive me.”

He wasn’t going to make this easy.

Samantha swept an irritated glance over him. She noted his handsome face, precisely styled blond hair, and crisply tailored suit, wondering what she had seen in him. He looked like a low-rent clone of a young Robert Redford.

She tried to tug her hand away, but he tightened his grip, pinching her fingers. She glared at him. Was the man just plain dense? His intense scrutiny scared her just a little bit.

“It’s over. Please leave.”

“Take your hand off her, St. James.”

Jake’s firm demand came from the back of the shop. The immense relief she felt surprised her. Yes, she wanted to handle this herself, but it was nice to know she had backup if she needed it.

Grayson dropped her hand as if scalded.

She wiggled her fingers, trying to get the blood back into them, grateful for the intervention. Hired guns had their uses, after all.

Grayson glared at Jake. “Ramsey, what are you doing here?”

“That’s what I was about to ask you.” Jake walked up behind Samantha and slipped an arm around her waist, drawing her close to his side. “The lady doesn’t want you here. Beat it.”

“This is none of your business.” Grayson’s lips thinned as he glowered at their embrace. “Samantha is my fiancée. I’m sure he wouldn't be very pleased if her father found out she was consorting with one of his lower-level employees.”

“He knows and approves. He also knows all about your sexual quirks, and he disapproves.” Jake’s smile was frigid. “You’re on fragile ground, St. James. I wouldn’t push my luck if I were you.”

Samantha bit her lip as she listened to the heated exchange.

Monica and Gary were standing in the back of the shop, mouths agape.

The men were putting on just the kind of show she’d wanted to avoid. She placed a hand on Jake’s arm. “Why don’t you return to what you were doing, Jake? I can handle this.”

He hesitated a moment. “You’re sure?”

“I’ll be fine.” She felt bolstered by Jake’s concern, but she needed to handle this mess with Grayson all by herself. It would put a fitting end to this fizzled romance. Closure was what the self-help books called it, and boy, did she ever need it.

Jake fixed Grayson with a cool gaze before turning toward the storeroom. “I’ll be in the back. If you need me, yell.”

She watched Jake walk away, elated by his confidence in her. Maybe he was learning to give a little. It was a comforting thought.

Steeling her resolve, she turned to face Grayson, his troubled gaze remained firmly fixed on Jake’s retreat. She cleared her throat, drawing Grayson’s attention. His suave smile returned as he gazed at her. Damn the man for thinking of her as such a pushover.

“Samantha, sweetie pie, please give me a chance to talk to you. After what we meant to each other, I hope you can at least give me that.”
