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Was she really here, in New York City? So close to him that the two of them might pass each other on the street. He rubbed his eyes and genuinely believed that when he looked again, there might be a different name on the card.

His phone was in his hand without a conscious thought and then he was dialing the number. The phone rang just as rational thought caught up with him and he started to wonder if this was reallyhisMena Reid.

It could be someone else with the same name. It could just be a coincidence. Sure, it would be a massive coincidence, but he had to know for sure.

The phone stopped ringing, going to voicemail.


It was her voice! Mena was in New York, living and working in the same city as him! Theo’s grip on his phone tightened.

I can’t pick up at the moment. Please call back later. You can also leave a message after the beep. Bye.

Theo drank in the sound of her voice. He’d thought he’d never hear it again. Now the sound of her voice in his ear was a punch to the chest.

The electronic beep was loud in his ear, and his first instinct was to start speaking, just to reach out to her. He wasn’t even sure what he’d say, he didn’t have a plan to get her back.

Theo hung up. He couldn’t blow any chance of getting her back by rushing into this.

No, he had to take his time and work out a plan to win her heart back. He wasn’t an immature kid anymore, and hewasn’t going to ruin this sudden chance by leaving a half-baked voicemail for her.

The next morning he stood outside the museum where she worked. It was a brownstone and, as he pushed open the front door, it felt more like he was going into someone’s home than entering a museum. Except that he was immediately asked to pay for a ticket.

He walked around inside, barely paying attention to the exhibits themselves, as a sense of nervous anticipation settled in his gut. At any second he might see Mena, she might walk in front of him at any moment.

Except, the only staff in the museum were security guards. He would have to go in search of her.

“I’m looking for Mena Reid,” he said to the older security guard who happened to walk past him just then.

The man stopped and gave him an appraising look. “Mena? What’s this about?”

From the man’s tone it was clear that he knew Mena and Theo felt a flare of jealousy. This stranger knew her well enough to be protective of her. He’d had time in Mena’s company while Theo had been missing out.

Theo was not used to being questioned. When he asked for something he expected to receive it. He held back a glare, knowing it wouldn’t do him any good. “I’m a friend of hers.”

The guard gave him a disbelieving look. “She’s never had visitors before.”

Theo raised an eyebrow, he knew there was a strength in not explaining himself.

The guard waited a few seconds before making a decision. “I’ll see if she’s busy. What’s your name?”

“Theo Gladstone.”

The guard nodded in acknowledgement and then turned to walk to the back of the building. Theo followed after him. Theman looked back and scowled. He’d clearly expected Theo to remain next to the exhibit and wait for the man to return.

The guard didn’t comment, even when Theo followed him through a door marked private. They walked through a cramped little hallway, up a narrow, windowless staircase and then out onto another, even narrower hallway that was lined with closed doors, some of which had little signs with names on them.

The guard stopped in front of a door that had no name on the door.

“Wait here. I’ll see if Mena’s available.”

Not waiting for Theo to answer, the guard knocked on the door and opened it just enough for the guard to peer into the room. Theo shifted, trying to see past him and catch a glimpse of Mena.

“Sorry to interrupt. There’s a man here who asked to see you, says he’s a friend of yours. Theo he says his name is.”

Theo held his breath, straining to hear her reaction. But if she was surprised to hear his name, he couldn’t tell. All he could hear was the muted melody of her voice.

The guard grunted without saying anything else to Mena, and then pulled the door closed before turning back to him. Theo thought he was about to be asked to leave and was already preparing his next actions.
