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“She’ll see you,” the guard said with a grudging look, before stepping aside and watching Theo with an air of distrust.

Theo ignored him, the guard completely forgotten as he placed his hand on the door and pushed.

There, sitting behind a desk, looking exactly the same as she had years ago, was the love of his life.

Chapter Five


The back of Sebastian’s hand brushed against hers on the stone bench. The two of them had escaped the chill of New York in February by meeting at the Frick art gallery, now they sat in the French Sculpture garden on the top floor of the gallery, the glass roof protecting them from the weather.

Sebastian was going over what had happened at the auction with Theo. He’d given her a broad outline already, but now he was filling in the details. Their pinky fingers brushed together and he moved to clasp her hand as he continued talking.

“I did want the T. rex for my office. But I didn’t think it wise to buy it in front of Theo. I didn’t want to encourage the idea of keeping the bone for himself.”

“Very wise,” Louisa murmured.

“Yes, so… No scaring employees with it,” he said, sounding wistful.

“I’ll let you know if I see another one on the market.”

Sebastian gave her hand an appreciative squeeze.

“So,” Sebastian said cheerfully, “what’s our next step?”

“Well, we clearly need to bring them together more. I really thought this would be easier. Just…” Louisa waved her free hand in front of her. “Just set them on collision cause and let the two of them do all the work.”

“And,” Sebastian added. “That you’d be helping two unfortunate lovers reunite.”

Louisa bumped her shoulder into Sebastian’s side. “Exactly. Us winning the tontine is an act of kindness!”

The two of them grinned at each other.

“I could take him to the Allardyce myself. Literally drag him to her,” Sebastian said with a laugh, but Louisa only sighed in frustration.

“I don’t really understand why the business card didn’t get more of a reaction.”

“I don’t think he even looked at it. Knowing him, he probably lost it. Although, if he had been to the Allardyce, we wouldn’t know. This is why I should have someone tailing him at all times.”

“Well, Stein has ten other men to track down. He’s got a lot of work ahead of him. There’s no time to keep track of Theo too.”

“My darling, Stein is not the only P.I. in the world.”

“Hmm,” Louisa agreed with a small nod. “That’s a lesson for next time. What are we going to do next?

Sebastian raised their joined hands so he could kiss the back of her hand. “We'll think of something together, but I have to get back to the office. Come to mine tonight and we’ll brainstorm tactics.”

Louisa giggled as they walked over to the stairs, looking around to make sure no-one was close enough to hear.

“We can use that ridiculously big bathtub of yours,” she said in a hushed voice.

“Definitely,” Sebastian agreed, “although we won’t get any brainstorming done in there.”

Louisa felt herself actually blushing. “Well brainstorm afterward, we’ll order some food and work on our strategy.”

They walked out onto the street, parting with a soft kiss goodbye. Louisa lifted her hand to wave him off as he got into his car, she was already looking forward to tonight, to the fun of their game and having a teammate.

Chapter Six
