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“I thought you loved your job,” Mena said with a frown.

“I got fired yesterday.”

Mena’s face fell, she’d be devastated if she got fired from the Allardyce.

“It’s fine,” Amanda said with a flippant wave of her wrist. “I probably could have been more polite, but some bosses think their PA’s are their servants!”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Mena asked, not sure how someone could be so relaxed about getting fired. She would have been in floods of tears.

“You gonna get me a job in your dino museum?” Amanda smirked. “Nah, I’ll start looking for something after my parents leave town. Here, I brought you a gift.”

She put a white plastic bag on the kitchen counter and pushed it toward Mena.

“Leftovers?” Mena asked, peering into the bag.

“I know you hate cooking, my parents took me to some fancy restaurant tonight and I ordered way too much. And I bet you worked up a hunger last night. Ha! Sorry! It’s been a long day.”

“Thanks, Amanda.”

“So,” Amanda hopped up onto the kitchen counter, swinging her legs so her heels banged into the cupboard doors below. “You going to meet up with your guy again?”

“I thought you said it was dumb to go back to an ex?”

“No, not dumb. Just desperate. And I didn’t say that, Iimpliedit.”

The doggy bag turned to hold an untouched bread roll and a container of stew. Mena broke off a piece of the roll and ate it, chewing slowly.

“I mean,” Amanda tilted her head, “if he cheated on you, then you’re an idiot. Cheaters -”

“No,” Mena interrupted. “He's not that kind of man.”

“Every man is that kind of man in my experience,” she shrugged. “Alright, I don't have the best of experiences but I know it’s better to walk away than get hurt. You know what I’m saying?”

Mena nodded morosely. She knew exactly what Amanda meant.

She winked at Mena. “Great. Anyway, now I have to call my mom, and apologize for things that got said at dinner.”

Mena giggled.

As she heated up Amanda’s stew in the microwave, Mena mulled over her roommate’s words.

She was still thinking about them on Friday morning. Mena hadn’t messaged Theo, and he hadn’t messaged her. If she didn’t tell him where Craig’s retirement party was being held then would that be the end of things? Would he pass out of her life once again?

It absolutely made logical sense to protect her heart and tell Theo not to come to Craig’s retirement party. Or simply not say anything at all.

But, Mena decided she didn’t want to do the logical thing.

Sitting at her desk, with butterflies in her stomach, Mena toyed with her phone. This felt like the early days of college, before she’d started dating Theo and they were just getting to know each other. She’d have to build up the courage to message him, always agonizing over whether her texts sounded cool enough.

At least she didn’t have to worry about sounding cool anymore! The text she sent him was curt, just giving him the details about the party.

After she hit send, she put her phone on her desk, staring at it like he was going to respond immediately.

It took almost a minute before she realized she was not going to get any work done like this.

She picked up her phone and put it in the drawer, closing it just as the phone beeped.

I’ll see you there.
