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Mena came back in, her face bright red. She’d always blushed so easily, and Theo had loved to touch the heat on her cheeks whenever she blushed. He held back; after all, he was just an old boyfriend from college.

Mena started getting changed, pulling off her clothes in front of him.

Theo did not look away, but he wasn’t sure if she cared he was watching her.

Afterward, he drove her to the Allardyce, getting out on the street after her.

“Have dinner with me again,” Theo said, forgetting that he was supposed to be saying goodbye

He recognized the mulish expression on her face and knew she was going to say no.

“This Friday,” he pressed. “You’ll finally get to look at the Acheroraptor.”

Her expression changed, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

“Thatwouldbe awesome, but,” she shifted uncomfortably and he wanted to put his hand on her arm to steady her. “I actually don’t know the process of donating it. I really should get the Head Curator involved.”

“Learn the process. I’m not donating it to anyone but you.”

Mena smirked slightly, amused by his grumpiness. Still, it didn’t make her agree to meet him again.

“I’ll pick you up this Friday.”

“I can’t this Friday. It’s Craig’s retirement party. You met him the other day.”

“Then you should invite me to that.”

“You don’t want to hang out in some bar,” she explained, although, of course, he used to do just that in college. Hurriedly she added; “not with a group of people you’ve never met before.”

“I think you’re making too many assumptions. Do you want me there?”

Chapter Eight


Even with her head ducked down, she could feel the heavy weight of Theo’s gaze.

She already knew what she was doing was stupid. She was just as vulnerable to him as she’d ever been. Mena let out a heavy breath; Theo was going to break her heart again. It seemed inevitable because she couldn’t say no to him.

“Yeah. Yeah, I want you there.”

“Send me the details,” he said, before kissing her on the lips. Mena’s eyes closed, her senses focusing on his lips, on the taste and texture of him, the way her body responded to him. She swallowed as he pulled back too soon, silently watching him get back in the car.

This was going to be just like college. Her stupid crush was going to end up with her heart utterly destroyed and she didn’t have strength to recover again. She lifted her fingertips to her tingling lips as she watched Theo’s car drive away.

That night, when she got home, she wanted to collapse on her bed and go straight to sleep. She was just making herself a cup of tea when one of her roommates came home.

Amanda slammed the front door behind her and stormed into the living room.

“Hey, Mena, you’re just the person I wanted to talk to.”

“Hi, Amanda,” Mena said wearily.

“Listen…I’m sorry, I was having a rough morning. I didn’t mean to…If I was shitty, you know?”

“It’s fine,” Mena said with a shrug.

“It’s not! My parents are visiting, we went out for dinner last night as well and they kept on going on about my sister. She’s married, why aren’t you married? Why don’t you have a better job?”
