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“What could we possibly do?” Sebastian asked, expecting her to come to the same conclusion as him: losing the tontine was a minor annoyance but nothing more.

Louisa moved through the water to sit on the bench next to him. Her thigh pressed against his, distracting him.

“The most obvious answer would be to get the other men married.”

Sebastian burst out laughing. There were times when he didn’t think he could love Louisa any more then he already did, then she’d go and say something so perfect that he felt himself falling even harder.

“My darling overachiever,” he said, putting his arm over her shoulders to hug her close. “That might be even beyond your ability.”

Louisa wasn’t laughing. He leaned back and saw her expression was deadly serious.

“You can’t force people to fall in love,” he said. Somewhere in this conversation things had gotten away from him and he wasn’t sure how it had happened.

“No,” she said, cocking her head as she considered. “But…”

Sebastian sighed; if there was anyone capable of making other people get married, just by the strength of her will power, it was Louisa. “I don't like being the first out of the tontine, but I'd rather be with you than win it.”

“You are with me,” Louisa said quickly. “What are the rules exactly? Does getting engaged take you out, or is it getting married?”


She sat very still, her thoughts clearly racing. Sebastion stroked his fingers across her shoulders, feeling very proud of her cunning. It matched his own.

“Then let’s say we have a year, that’s our timeline. We’ll get all of them married by then, and if we haven’t done it by then, then we’ll get married.”

Sebastian smiled in amusement. A year wasn’t a long time to wait, and he did hate losing.

“I concede it might be possible to get some of them married. Maybe not all of them -”

Louisa interrupted with an annoyed little hum. She was delightfully ambitious, and there was something else that Sebastian liked about her plan. He swung round suddenly, caging her against the side of the tub.

“You’re talking about a Conspiracy, just the two of us plotting together.”

“No one else would ever know,” she said solemnly. This close Sebastian would see the tiny flecks of gold in her brown eyes,

“I’m getting used to the pleasure of teamwork,” he murmured, tucking a few wayward strands of hair behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her.

One kiss was never enough, he had to kiss her again, pressing into her until he tasted the champagne on her tongue. He hungered for her with a need that seemed to only grow the more he kissed her.

Sebastian pulled back, teasing himself as he whispered: “Let’s do it.”

“Yes,” Louisa laughed, “That’s the idea.” She wrapped an idea around his neck and tried to pull him closer for another kiss. He hid a smile at her misunderstanding. He kissed her again, tasting the sweetness of her. He could do this for the rest of his life and still want more.

“Let’s go inside. I want to fuck my fiancee on an actual bed.”

She shimmied back, hurrying to get out of the hot tub. Sebastian waited a beat, appreciating the way water dropletswere dripping down her body and the way her white bikini had turned slightly translucent now it was wet.

Then, catching up with her, he picked Louisa up, sweeping her off her feet. She let out a hoot of surprise that turned into a giggle as he walked inside.

He laid her across the big bed, slowly undoing the knots holding her bikini in place as she pulled at his swim trunks. Her hand twisted in his hair, pulling his head back. “I’m glad you told me about the tontine.”

Sebastian had told her about the tontine for the same reason he wanted to marry her. “We’re a team.”

She smirked as she used her grip on his hair to guide his face to her neck, to the sensitive spot there, he sucked a hard kiss there, feeling a shiver run through her. “Yes,” she moaned, “we are”

“The two of us against the world,” he said, reaching his hand down between her legs.

“Yes,” she agreed, and kept agreeing in an increasingly breathless voice as he kissed his way down her body, his mouth making the delightful journey down to her pussy.
