Page 10 of Chase's Human Mate

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Chapter 6


The first light of dawn seeps through the windows of the small hunting shack. I pull my blankets up around my face, attempting to block out the rays of the rising sun and get a little more sleep.

An uneasy feeling creeps into my blood, spreading throughout my body with each heartbeat. Lowering the blanket, from my bunk I glance out of the window.

The world outside looks peaceful, dappled light leaving intricate lacey patterns on the tree trunks and the soft moss covering the forest floor.

A sigh escapes my lips as I toss back and forth uncertainly. In my stomach a nauseating pit forms. My hands flutter to my stomach, rubbing it to try to soothe the anxiety that is making its home there.

Contemplating the day ahead, I consider whether I should say goodbye to the boys before I head back out on my journey or if I should just slip out quietly.

I’ve been in one place for too long, my ex is likely getting close by now. A chill slide down my spine from the nape of my neck to my tailbone.

An unspoken intuition nudges me, that I should stay a little longer. It would be good to get some breakfast before I go… who knows how long it will be until I can eat again?

I scan the room and notice that Isaiah is not in his bed, squinting out of the window again I notice thin wisps of smoke floating through the air. He must be outside starting a fire.

Quietly I slip out of my bed and tiptoe over to the door with my shoes in hand. Chase’s earthy scent fills my nostrils as I take in a deep breath, his sweatshirt keeps me warm as I step outside, the cool morning air hits me.

Outside, the makeshift table is still littered with remnants of last night’s dinner. My heart swells remembering the delicious fish Isaiah made and the laughter we shared.

The smell of the surrounding pine trees is invigorating, but the twinge in my gut persists. I slip my shoes on and lace them up, steadying myself on the wall of the shack as I do.

Heading towards the now roaring campfire a smile plays on my lips. Isaiah has a determined grin on his face.

Despite his large masculine build, he reminds me of a young boy at this moment. He turns his head at the sound of my approaching footsteps and his grin widens.

“Morning Madison, early riser huh? Did you sleep well last night?”

Stretching my arms above my head, an involuntary yawn interrupts my attempt to greet Isaiah.

“I did, I slept surprisingly well actually. For me, a real bed beats the forest floor every time.”

“Ha, I can’t blame you for that one. I’ve grown accustomed to the forest floor but, I understand that it is an acquired taste.”

“I think I am going to head down to the stream nearby that trickles out of the river and wash up a bit,” I say nodding in Isaiah’s direction as I begin to meander off.

“Best of luck to you, it’s a bit nippy” he says lightly.

“I could use the extra wake up call,” I laugh over my shoulder.

The tranquil sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves are peaceful. Birds chirp animatedly from the treetops. Temporarily I can ignore the feeling in my gut.

Kneeling by the stream with my hands immersed in the cool water, a sudden chill runs down my spine. My stomach churns. Something is not right.

I feel the urge to run but my body is frozen in place, hands still in the stream turning bright red with each passing moment. A shuffling sound in the woods across the small stream from me draws my attention.

No, it can’t be him. Not here… not now.

A face appears from the densely packed trees and my body turns into cooked spaghetti. Run Madison, damn it, stop just kneeling here like an idiot and run!

Despite my mind’s attempts to get me to move, I do not budge. Even my hands remain in the water.

He steps fully into view, his demeanor a precarious dance between aggression and false charm. The once comforting rustle of leaves now becomes an ominous whisper.

My skin prickles. My lungs struggle to bring in the air as though my ribcage is crushing them. I’ve seen him like this before and nothing good can come of this.
