Page 11 of Chase's Human Mate

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“Madison, you can’t just disappear like that. I’ve been worried sick about you. Something terrible could happen to you out in these woods and no one would ever know,” he says with mock concern, hardly concealing his threat.

Skipping a beat, my heart races so fast I can hear my blood pumping through my veins. Managing to unfreeze myself momentarily I pluck my hands out of the stream and scramble backward.

I need to run. I need to get out of here. My voice quivers, “Jax, we are done. I can’t do this anymore it’s killing me. You are killing me.”

His head tilts to the side and a wicked grin spreads on his lips, “I am killing you? No Madison, I am looking out for you. I have always looked out for you. You can’t do this without me, you’ll never survive on your own.”

He takes a step forward, “Besides I love you and our love can overcome any obstacles that come our way.”

“Jax what we have isn’t love, it’s a game of control.”

“What do you mean kitten?”

As he advances, I will my body to slowly scramble backward a little more but I still haven’t managed to get up on my feet. My breathing is shallow, I am desperate to take a deep breath, but I can’t seem to manage.

My eyes are opened wide, I cannot tear them away from Jax. I should have never come to the stream this morning. I don’t know what I was thinking.

The tranquility of the stream shatters as he leaps over the water. He lands in front of me with a heavy thud. A fury lit up in his eyes, that sends panic in waves through me.

“You thought you could just run away from me? You don’t know what love is, WHAT WE HAVE IS LOVE!” he yells.

I flinch and with one more large step he is towering over me. Before I can react, he is on me, his hands closing around my arms like a vise. Pain sears through my muscles as he wrenches me off my feet.

He holds me up in the air by my arms. The world tilts, and I gasp as a sharp ache shoots through me. I kick my feet as they dangle off the ground, desperate to break free of his hold on me.

The more I struggle the harder his fingers dig into my flesh cruelly. The stream’s gentle murmur becomes a distant echo asmy senses focus on the searing pain and the suffocating grip that Jax has on my arms.

“Let me go! Please, you’re hurting me!” I plea.

“You mean like you hurt me when I woke up and found out you were gone? Like you hurt me when you left everything we’d ever built together without so much as a glance backward?” He spits as he hollers at me.

I quit resisting letting my body hang limply from his grip. He does not loosen his hold on me, I wince as the pain in my arms intensifies, sending what feels like electricity down to my fingertips.

Quietly, now I beg, “Please, let me go. We’re over, and I don’t want this anymore.”

Just when it feels like the forest itself is closing in, a sudden shift in the atmosphere draws my attention. There it is again that strange sense of calm washing over me despite my desperate circumstances.

Through the chaos, Chase emerges like a guardian angel and a surge of relief washes over me. Chase’s eyes meet mine and I know that I am going to make it out of this alive, no matter what.

“I believe the lady asked you to let her go,” he says firmly. His voice bellowing through the forest causing Jax to snap his head up. “She appears to want nothing to do with you.”

I get a small sense of pleasure watching him caught off guard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a genuine expression of concern on his face until this very moment.

“Now,” Chase commands and Jax is so thrown off that he lets me go. Within seconds Chase stands between us, towering over Jax.

“This is none of your business! Who are you anyway?” Jax demands.

“I am Madison’s bodyguard,” he turns to me and winks. A panicked laugh leaves my throat.

“Bodyguard?” Jax’s eyes flit between me and Chase. Despite his best efforts to puff up his chest and look intimidating, I can tell Chase is scaring him.

Before the confrontation escalates further, a rustle in the bushes catches my attention. A majestic wolf steps out into the clearing followed closely by a massive brown bear.

It’s a strange sight to behold, both are radiating a predatory aura, and each of them is focused directly on Jax.

Ash and Isaiah.

Jax’s bravado wavers as he sees the beasts moving in sync slowly in his direction.
