Page 13 of Chase's Human Mate

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“I can understand that. As I told you before, I left my father and the West Coast pack that I was supposed to eventually take over as Alpha. I feel my father will never forgive me for leaving even though I want him to forgive and understand. He’s my father and always will be, no matter what I do or where I go.”

“That’s intense. I’m sorry Chase, I am sure that’s hard on you,” she says.

“Oh, I doubt my father will be looking for us at this point. He’ll probably remain Alpha of the pack until he dies. And will probably still not acknowledge me as his son even on his death bed.” I must admit.

“You really think he won’t come looking for you one day?” Madison asks wide-eyed.

“He is far too prideful for that.” I tell her.

“His loss,” she shrugs. “What does that tattoo on your bicep mean?”

Madison points to a set of geometric symbols in thick black ink that wraps around my arm. Heat creeps over my cheeks slowly and I offer up a half-smile.

“There used to be this trail I would take back on the West Coast whenever I needed to get away and clear my head. Each of these symbols represent a different marker on the trail.”

I point to a triangle, “This is the massive tree near the entrance to a trail.”

Next, I point out a set of parallel lines that run through the triangle and around my bicep. “This is the river I would follow down a ways. This cluster of lines over here represents the dark thicketed wood where I built myself a small shack, a home away from home.”

“So, it’s basically a map of happier times then?” Madison offers.

“A reminder that I can always find my own path if I can muster up the courage to do so.” I say wistfully.

“Looks like you found your courage.” She smiles.

“I suppose I did,” Madison looks beautiful in the crackling light of the fire. My heart races every time I look at her and the world has stilled all around us. One day I hope she will feel the same way about me that I already feel for her.

The town flickers to life as neon lights paint the night. An otherworldly glow shines through the streets as we navigate the unfamiliar streets of the city where we are currently staying.

Oil slicks on the streets reflect a rainbow of lights. The smiles on everyone’s faces makes me feel like a million bucks.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve had a night out with the boys,” Isaiah says grinning.

“The boys and you of course,” Ash says with a wink in Madison’s direction.

“And here I was thinking I was one of the boys.” Madison says cheerfully.

Taking a chug of the bottle of whiskey I have in hand I say, “You’re too pretty to be one of the boys.”

Madison’s cheeks turn pink, and I smile to myself satisfied.

Music thumps loudly coming from a warehouse building about a block away. A man with black hair runs down the alley ahead of us.

“Slow down brother,” Isaiah yells after him with a lighthearted laugh.

A few men in lab coats run into the alley a few moments after the young man. Ash and I exchange a worried look.

“What is this a costume party?” Ash says trying to alleviate the tension, but I can feel the worry radiating off of him in waves.

Isaiah picks up on the energy and even Madison looks tense. We round the corner into the same dark alley.

Cornered, sweating, and panting heavily, a young man looks around for a place to escape his seemingly dark fate. I can hear Madison’s breath grow ragged as her footsteps slow behind me.

The three men in lab coats surround the young man, syringes with sharp needles protruding from the hands of two of the three men.

“What’s going on here?” I call out, standing up tall and rolling my shoulders back.

“Mind your own business,” one of the lab coats calls.
