Page 12 of Chase's Human Mate

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Chase offers up a cocky smile, but his voice remains firm, “You should leave. Now.”

Fear flickers in my ex-boyfriend’s eyes, and without waiting for further persuasion, he stumbles back, retreating from the clearing with haste. Ash and Isaiah follow him making sure he does not turn around and change his mind.

Chase turns and scoops me up into a hug as soon as Jax is out of his sight, “are you okay?” he asks gently pulling me out at an arms distance and sweeping his eyes across me.

Heat rises to my cheeks; Chase is my hero.

Overwhelmed with relief, I throw my arms around Chase’s neck and pull him into a tight hug. His muscles are solid against me as he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God Chase is here.

“How did he find you out here?” he asks, pulling me out at an arm’s length again, his eyes scanning me as though he is looking for signs of damage.

“He’s an avid hunter with a keen talent for tracking.” I say shakily. “That’s why I need to stay on the move, as long as he’s alive he will be able to find me. Someway somehow. He’s never lost a prey he was tracking, even if it took him months.”

“That doesn’t sound good for you. Why don’t you come with us? I want to be able to keep an eye out for you and make sure the poor vile excuse for a man doesn’t get his hands on you ever again.” Chase almost pleads.

Chase’s eyes bore into mine, my stomach flutters. I lick my lips and glance down at his, they look extremely kissable. I need to keep my head on straight.But those lips look so inviting.

It’s just that he’s so different from Jax, there’s something about Chase that makes me feel like I am at peace. Almost like I am home.

I haven’t felt like this in so many years I forgot the feeling was even possible. Could he turn on me like Jax did? Is this too good to be true? I have no idea, but what else am I supposed to do, now that Jax has found me?

“I appreciate the offer, but it’ll be too dangerous for you. Jax won’t give up especially now that his ego has been bruised. He’ll go back and get his weapons and friends. He’ll track us all down and when he finds us, I don’t think he’ll care about sparing any of our lives.” I say with a shiver as another cold chill creep up my spine.

“Whatever he thinks he can do to us, he’ll find himself sorely mistaken. I can promise you that. He might have been able to convince the rest of the world that he’s big and bad, but he hasn’t convinced me. No one messes with anyone in my pack or any friends of my pack” he states grimly.

“Your pack?” I whisper.

The feeling of belonging entices me, I can’t remember the last time I truly felt like I belonged anywhere or with anyone.

“It’s something I am playing around with, before we caught any signs of your distress Ash, Isaiah and I were talking about starting our own pack. One where we can establish new ways of operating without all the hierarchical bullshit that my father runs his pack on” he says softly.

“Really?” I smile at him happily, “I think you’d make a great Alpha.”

“Will you come with us?” Chase asks with his eyebrows knit together and a look of genuine concern glinting in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath I roll my shoulders back and relax them a bit. Lifting my chin up and meeting Chase’s eye I say, “I will.”

Chapter 7


The fire roars and the smoky smell of burning wood fills the air, “How are you feeling Madison?” I ask.

“Thankful that I am no longer running around like a deer being hunted in a pair of Doc Martens that make my feet bleed,” she says with a chuckle.

Her hair shines in the dim light of the fire, and although she is laughing her heart is beating erratically and I can feel a nervous energy radiating off her.

“It’s a good thing we bought that van, huh?” I tease.

“I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with any of you if I tried.” she smiles.

“That’s true, especially Ash. Even I can’t keep up with him.” I say jokingly.

Madison jiggles her leg up and down while she bites at her nail.

“What’s wrong?” I know something is bothering her.

“I’m just worried about the future, and worried about Jax. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes I find myself missing him. Not because I actually ‘miss him’ but because he’s the only way of life I’ve known for so long. Everything has changed sosuddenly, it’s like my brain is having a hard time catching up” she says soulfully.
