Page 18 of Chase's Human Mate

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His words are laced with a bitter sadness. My heart aches for him, I know what it’s like to be on your own with no one else to turn to.

“You’re not on your own anymore.” Chase says sitting across from me at the fire.

Drew offers an appreciative smile after squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.

“So, you guys are a pack?” He asks out loud.

“We kind of are,” Chase says contemplatively.

“How long have you been traveling together?” Drew wants to know.

“Ash, Isaiah, and I come from the West Coast pack which we left behind a couple of weeks ago. We came across Madison while we were squatting in an old hunting shack in the woods.” He says with a ginger nod toward me.

“What was a human like you doing in the woods on your own?” Drew asks.

“I uh-,” I pause and Isaiah smiles at me encouragingly. “I had this ex-boyfriend, he was abusive and a fantastic tracker. When I finally found the strength to leave him, I knew I’d probably be on the run my whole life. So, I started to run and I kept running until I ran into Chase and the gang.”

My fingers pick at the hem of my shirt. My lips quiver as I speak and there’s now a lump in my throat.

“He’ll find me again I am sure of it. He doesn’t give up easily.” A shiver chills my bones and not even the heat of the fire can warm me now.

“When he does,” Chase says firmly, “We will be ready for him.”

“My father was abusive,” Drew says, “There’s no way I’m willing to stand by while someone goes through the same struggle my mother went through for years.”

“What happened to your father?” The words leave my lips before I realize I am saying them.

“He’s dead,” Drew spits. “I killed him when I was fourteen.”

My mouth drops open and even though I want to look away from Drew I can’t tear my eyes from his face.

“It was either I kill him, or he kill my mother. I chose to save my mother’s life but it’s something that still haunts me. I can’t stop questioning if what I did makes me a different type of monster, but still a monster like my father.”

I want to say something to console him, but I can’t find the words.

“Not at all,” Isaiah says.

“You did the only thing you could do to protect your mother and yourself at that age.” Chase adds. “Don’t beat yourself up for it and don’t take on the sins of your father. There’s no reason for you to carry that weight forever.”

A silent tear slides down Drew’s cheek. The moment is interrupted by a wolf dragging with it the carcass of a small deer.

“Looks like lunch and dinner has arrived.” Isaiah says as he jumps up from his seat to help. Ash, Chase, and Drew follow suit.

I watch the flames dance as the boys strip the deer of its hide and break down the meat. I want to help; I want to offer to chop vegetables or do anything, but I am suddenly paralyzed with fear.

Jax is a monster too. Can he ever be stopped?

Within a matter of hours flanks of deer meat are grilled up and sliced, served on rolls of bread with tomato and mayo. A stew simmers on the fire for dinner.

Taking a bite of the sandwich my whole-body shakes, “This is absolutely divine.” I say through a mouthful of food. The others nod in agreement.

I hadn’t realized how much I needed to eat a warm meal. We sit in silence as each of us ravenously devours our lunch. After eating my sandwich and then a second one I cannot stop yawning. I lay down in the same spot I was sitting and let my heavy eyelids close.

Hours later the sound of laughter rouses me from my slumber. I sit up slowly, disoriented. I am no longer by the fireside but instead I am tucked under a blanket in the tent I am meant to share with Chase.

Looking around and letting my eyes adjust to the darkness I realize there is only one bed in here. A few blankets padding the hard earth beneath me and a blanket over me as well.

My face flushes with heat. Chase must have carried me in here when I fell asleep after lunch. My stomach flutters as I think about him carrying my vulnerable form to safety and comfort.
