Page 20 of Chase's Human Mate

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“Let’s take some time to explore and see where we think we’ll have the best odds to make some money.” Chase suggests.

“Okay boss, where to first?” Ash asks, his easy long-limbed stride could easily outpace the group but he is careful to maintain a pace behind me at all times out of respect for my position as the Alpha.

The small main street buzzes with activity. People roving in groups, many of whom are already drunkenly staggering even though it is the middle of the day.

As a rowdy group passes by us, I chance a look at Madison. She is wearing a pair of black jeans, a fitted black cropped top, and her signature Doc Martens. Her dark hair is wavy, and it blows gently in the wind.

She looks effortlessly glamourous. I fight my primal urge to slide my hand around her small waist and pull her into me. My wolf’s desire for her is a constant battle, as is my own.

Looking back ahead I notice a young man in an alleyway counting a fat stack of cash. He’s grinning and looking rather pleased with himself. Sniffing at the air in his direction I realize he’s a fox-shifter.

Fox-shifter’s are sly, cunning, quick on their feet. This is the kind of guy who would know the best place to make some money around here. I nudge Ash with my elbow, he follows my gaze and nods with a smile.

“Better start with just you paying him a visit, we don’t want to scare him away.” Ash mutters.

“Why don’t you guys grab a drink at that saloon across the way. I’ll be in contact with you soon.” I suggest.

Ash nods, “Let’s go ahead and grab a drink. Chase has some business to attend to.” I hear him say as I head off down the alleyway.

“Looks like you’ve had a good morning,” I say a few paces away from the man.

Shoving his money into his pocket he nods and offers me a sly smile, “what’s it to you?”

His tone is light, but I can see the concern in his eyes.

“I just got into town this morning with a few friends of mine, and I was wondering if you happened to know the best place to make a little cash around here?”

“You play cards?” he asks shrewdly.

“I sure do,” it’s not a lie. I play I’m just not the best card player, Isaiah is much better than I am.”

“Are you any good?” he asks.

“I’m not the best.” I confess.

The young man looks around and he seems to be considering something. His eyes shift nervously from side to side, “How about your friends?”

“One’s good, I am not sure about the rest.” I calmly state trying to soothe the shifter’s nerves.

“I’ve got a little motel room a few blocks from here. I could show you a few tricks of the trade before I send you off if you want.” He offers.

“Why would you do that?” I ask suspiciously.

“Divert some of the attention off me. If more folks are winning, it’s less likely I’ll be in any sort of trouble.” He volunteers.

I let out a chuckle, “Let me just get my friends, they can come too, right?”

“The more the merrier. I am Dustin by the way.”

“Nice to meet you Dustin, my name’s Chase.”

In Dustin’s dimly lit motel room, we gather around a rickety folding table. “Seems like the rooms at this place don’t have the best accommodations.” I observe.

“They are good enough,” Dustin responds with a shrug.

His hands work with a graceful effortlessness as he shuffles a deck of cards. “The first rule is knowing the game inside and out. Whether you are playing poker, blackjack, or any other game it’s necessary that you understand the rules and the odds of the game. This is the foundation on which you’ll make most of your winnings.”

“Who knows what game? I know how to play poker.” I say.
