Page 21 of Chase's Human Mate

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“I play a mean game of blackjack,” Ash offers.

“I can play either and I hardly lose,” Isaiah adds.

“I’m great at poker and nothing else.” Drew says.

“Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to help you guys out on this endeavor, I’ve never played cards before in my life.” Madison says tentatively.

“It’s okay honey you can dangle off my arm like the prize jewel you are,” Dustin says with a smirk.

Isaiah and Ash grimace knowing what was coming next. “No way she’s going anywhere with you. She’ll be by my side.” I assert.

“Okay sorry,” Dustin says dropping the cards and lifting his hands up in surrender.

“I didn’t realize, sheesh,” he says looking between Madison and me.

I can’t bring myself to look over in Madison’s direction as she gets up from around the table and curls up in an armchair flipping on the television.

“So, what are these tips you have for us?” Ash asks.

“Pay attention to patterns folks. Patterns are your best friends. People, humans, and shifters alike, are creatures of habit. Learning those habits can be your ticket to victory.” Dustin instructs.

He picks back up the cards, he seems to be shuffling out of habit more than anything else.

“Observe those subtle gestures and expressions that your opponents make. Everyone has a tell, even folks with the best poker face. Trust me, I’ve been at this since I was a boy. My dad was a gambling man.”

“Noted,” I say.

“Confidence is key but don’t let that confidence turn into cockiness. If you have it in you, switch up your mannerisms. A poker face can be helpful but leaving a false trail of breadcrumbs is even better.” He continues.

I take in every word Dustin says as he proceeds to coach us. Ash, Isaiah, and Drew do the same while Madison falls asleep on the chair watching daytime court television.

“Be adaptable. As you notice a shift in the behavior of others shift your own behavior too. This will keep you from becoming too predictable.” He notes.

He regales us with a tale of a time he missed the mark and was completely had during a massive poker game losing $300,000. Heat rises to my cheeks.

“I know this place looks small but there’s some serious gamblers that come to this town and it is flush with cash. You can win upwards of hundreds of thousands each if you play your cards right.”


“Seriously. Now, let’s put this theory into practice. We will play a few rounds together. Remember; observe, strategize, adapt, and most importantly have fun. We’ll focus on poker since that seems to be the group consensus.” Dustin concludes.

As we practice Dustin calls out our tells, allowing us to adjust and cover them up. After a few hours we are feeling much more confident and ready to take on the poker tables.

“A new round of high stakes games starts in just under an hour and in three separate establishments. I say you’re better off splitting up to maximize your earnings. The buy in for each is $10,000, do you have that kind of money?” he inquires.

A subtle buzz filters through the air.

“We only have about $20,000 left between the three of us.” I state.

“I’ve got $25,000” Madison chimes in groggily. “At the very least I can offer the last ten-grand for you four to play.”

Ash lets out a low whistle.

I wince. I don’t like the prospect of losing her money but if we can follow Dustin’s advice, there’s a good chance we will walk away with much more than that.

The dark mahogany wood of the poker table gleams in the dim light. There are 12 players huddled around the table. Each man with his own distinct flair.

Madison sits off to the side with the rest of the observers. Her presence encourages me to do better but makes me a bit nervous. Using my martial arts training I harness that energy into a razor-sharp focus that makes me hyper aware of everyone around me.
