Page 24 of Chase's Human Mate

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‘Get Madison ready. Pack up the van. We’re making a quick exit.’

Dustin is free and wobbly, as he goes over to the table that is covered in stacks of money stuffing them into his coat.

“Seriously?” I ask him incredulously.

“It’s my money anyway, I won it. It’s not my fault that these losers can’t handle a little competition in this town.” He slurs.

Ash shrugs his shoulders and joins Dustin in gathering up the piles of cash.

“Stealing from us, fox? You’re in deep trouble,” one of the gamblers sneers, his words dripping with malice.

Spinning on my heel I see him with his gun pointed at Dustin. A loud sigh escapes my lips and I grab the pistol I’d confiscated from another goon earlier and shoot the man’s gun out of his hand.

A spray of bright red blood covers the wall behind him. “You bastard you shot off my trigger finger!”

“Serves you right,” I watch the man grow woozy and then pass out from the pain.

“Time to go!” Ash hollers and we take off as quickly as we can. In the distance we can hear word spreading through the casino staff about the carnage that just took place in the back room.

As we run freely into the night a maniacal laughter echoes off the buildings from Dustin.

“We made it!” Isaiah says panting as the door to the van slid shut and we drive off quickly.

Madison’s face is slack and her skin is pale with shock, but as Dustin started pulling wads of money out of his jacket and then Ash followed suit, she laughed.

Her bright blue eyes lighting up, “What on earth have I gotten myself into.”

Chapter 10


“Do you think that those goons are ever going to come after us?” I ask Chase who’s lounging on the floor of the living room.

“I’ve been putting some feelers out and there’s no word going around about what happened. Not even a whisper. My guess is they decided the money lost wasn’t worth the blow to their reputation. Not that I’d suggest any of us step foot in that town ever again.” He responds.

A low chuckle comes from Dustin. “That’s a bummer, I made a lot of money in that town.”

“You almost died in that town.” Chase says with a roll of his eyes.

“Almost being the key word,” Dustin wriggles his eyebrows.

A laugh escapes my lips and my heart flutters. I could have never expected to be this happy. Even if there are moments where I feel like I am back in that apartment with Jax.

“This house needs some work,” Isaiah says entering the room with a PVC pipe in his hand. “I had to shut off the water, can I get a hand?”

“Where’s Ash?” Chase asks.

“He’s mopping up the carnage that happened when the pipe fell off.”

Chase gives me an exasperated glance; his eyes are a brighter green now than they were in the forest. My stomach flutters as I remember that night we spent together in the tent.

Our bodies pressed together garnering warmth. The sound of Chase’s heart beating as I lay my head on his chest as he stroked my hair. I felt so safe and close to Chase that night. I felt a deep trust and affection for him. And the feel of his body next to mine gave me a lust and yearning that I haven’t felt in years. I wasn’t quit ready yet to admit my desire for him but I’m feeling different now that we have a home and a pack we can call our own. Some stability and certainty.

“Come on Alpha, help your brothers out.” Isaiah teases.

“Go on,” I say meeting Chase’s eye. “Dustin and I will be fine to finish up painting this room without you.”

“Alright,” He says standing up and brushing his hands on his paint splattered jeans.
