Page 25 of Chase's Human Mate

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“A beautiful woman and a bucket of paint, what more can a man ask for?” Dustin says and Chase shoots him a dirty look.

“Right, right, sorry,” Dustin lowers his head in a show of submission to his new Alpha.

The new pack is an oddity from what I’ve been gleaning. While inter-shifter packs are not necessarily new it seems that there’s always a hierarchy where one form of shifter or another is more of a second-class citizen than the wolves.

A human being in the pack, however, does seem to be more of a new and rare occurrence. Do I truly belong here?

Even with the crumbling paint and burst pipes this home we’ve bought has brought me a sense of safety I have only felt when I am right beside Chase.

I shake my head, trying not to think about it too much. I’ve got to be useful where I can. I can paint a wall; I know that much, so I plan on painting the hell out of these walls.

“How does it feel being one of the most infamous humans in the shifter world?” Dustin asks in a sly voice as he dips his roller into the paint on the tray.

I catch a glimpse of my face reflected to me in the mirror, and my cheeks are bright red. My stomach clutches anxiously.

“I am not,” I push a strand of hair out of my face.

“I’ve heard some whispers, but I suppose until Chase officially takes you as his mate there’s a bit more anonymity in it for you.” Dustin shares.

My stomach drops through the floor, and I am left speechless. Boy, Dustin has no socialfilter at all.

“Do… you not know about that?” Dustin asks sheepishly.

“Keep rolling or the paint will dry funny,” I say noticing paint dripping down the walls from where Dustin stands.

“Okay sheesh,” he continues rolling the paint onto the wall. “You’ve got to at least know Chase is into you right?”

“Well… yeah.”I confess.

“Are you into him?”he asks.

“I just got out of such a bad long-term relationship I worry that I don’t really know how to be in a healthy relationship. I guess I don’t even know what that means at this point.”

I don’t know what possesses me to share this, with Dustin of all people, but the damage is done. The truth is out there.

“How does it feel when you are with Chase?” Dustin probes.

“Peaceful.” I say with a smile on my face.

“And how did it feel when you were with your ex?” he continues.

“Oppressive.” I admit with a frown on my face.

“I think that’s a major difference right there, don’t you?” he suggests.

“How do I know I’m not just making it up in my head?” I ask, not understanding why I’m opening up my trepidations with Dustin.

“I’m not sure you can truly make up a gut feeling. You can lie to yourself but deep down you know what is true. I’m sure you didn’t always start out consciously recognizing your relationship with your ex was oppressive, did you?” I nod and say “No I suppose I didn’t.”

“Then the only thing I have left to say to you is listen to your gut, it will never steer you wrong.” With that Dustin smiles and appears to be finished with our conversation.

“Would you maybe want to go on a walk with me around the property?” I ask Chase, hardly able to hear my words over the sound of my wildly thumping heart.

“I’d love to.” He answers.

The moon hangs low in the night sky. A silvery glow cast over the expansive grounds of our new property, making it feel like a magical garden.

As we stroll along the winding path, excitement dances with nervousness within me. Each time I open my mouth to say something to Chase the words I want to say escape me.
