Page 33 of Chase's Human Mate

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“I think we might need to get some furniture,” I announce remembering what I heard Madison saying in the kitchen this morning before I went in there.

“Seriously?” Ash asks.

“Yes, seriously, we have the money, and we need to be able to have a few places to set up shop while we work on figuring out what the hell is going on with this shadowy black ops group.”

“Madison, would you be willing to go to the store with Dustin and Drew, once Dustin’s watch is over, and pick out a few things for the house?”

A smile crosses her lips but I can tell she is working to conceal the true heights of her excitement.

“Of course,” she finally says in a steady tone.

“Good, while you three do that I will work on setting up a meeting with the trigger-happy Alpha of the Grey pack.”

“And what about me?” Ash asks hungry for a task.

“I want you to run the perimeters of the established packs in the area and if you run into any shifters see what you can find out but be careful. And be on the lookout for odd characters or scents that don’t seem to belong there. We aren’t the only ones who are in danger.”

Ash nods, “Yes sir.”

I knew he’d be up for the challenge; he always is.

I head into town with Madison, Dustin, and Drew leaving them at the furniture store with a massive, rented U-Haul. It’s time for me to head back to the bar I found yesterday with Drew that reeks of the Grey pack.

Surely, I’ll be able to find a pack member there that can help me set up a meeting with their Alpha.

As luck would have it, when I walk into the establishment, I see the wolf of the hour seated in a large semi-circular booth. His eyes narrow on me and instantly he is on his feet.

“What are you doing here?” he snarls.

“I need to talk to you.” I say simply.

“Oh, now you want to talk huh?” He bares his teeth.

A few of his pack members quit playing pool and stagger forward in case they need to back up their Alpha. He has their respect that much is clear.

“I found out some information that I think you might find interesting and in return I ask you to be forthcoming with me about why you came to our property in the first place.”

Curiosity fills his eyes and I know I’ve got him.

“I promise you if you so much as step one singular toe out of line my men have complete permission to take you out, and I don’t just mean to kick you out of the establishment.”

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” I say with a nod.

“Jimmy,” the man calls and a bartender with an impressive handlebar mustache rounds the corner, a glass and polishing rag in hand. “Get the man a couple of fingers of scotch and I’d like another myself. We’ve got some business to attend to.”

It’s risky telling the Grey pack what we know but under the circumstances it’s much better that we shifters are on the same page and working together. I have no doubt in my mind that part of the controversy already budding between us is a clever and intentional act on the part of some member or other of the clandestine enemy we now face.

The vinyl of the booth squeaks beneath me as I settle in. Two lowballs nearly filled to the brim with scotch appear as soon as I am settled in.

“What do you have for me?” The man says taking a massive swig.

“First I’d like to know your name.” I start out.

“My name is Malachi Grey.”

“Malachi Grey, I am Chase Hawthorne.”

“I know who you are, now, are you going to tell me what you came here to say or are you going to keep on wasting my time?” Malachi sneers.
