Page 32 of Chase's Human Mate

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“It’s true that bacon tastes delicious when made in the oven but until we can get that fixed, stove-top will have to do.” He states.

“I know, I know. It’s just I was hoping we’d be able to get all the problems in this house fixed sooner. But now with everything that’s going on, those fixes will have to take the back burner.” Madison responds.

“No pun intended?” Dustin’s cheeky voice rings out.

“Morning pack,” I say walking through the threshold of the kitchen.

“Morning Chase,” Drew says nursing a cup of coffee.

“Is there any more of that?” Smells like there is but perhaps that’s just my wishful thinking.

“A whole fresh pot over there on the counter, help yourself.” Madison says.

I move forward as though I am sleepwalking and grab a mug out of the cabinet clinking it against another mug. Good thing the people who lived here before us left a bunch of their dishes behind.

“Where’s Ash?”

“Taking his turn on guard duty. So far there’s been no further signs of the Grey pack sniffing around.” Drew says heartily.

“About the Grey pack,” I pause and take a sip of my coffee, “I think I am going to have to go meet with them soon. I need to know what made them think to come to us.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Isaiah says sagely, “I was thinking the same thing last night myself.”

Madison turns to face me concerned, “Are you sure they won’t rip your throat out on arrival?”

“I’ll follow protocol, I’ll be careful, and I’ll make sure Isaiah and Ash are with me.”

“Hmm” She looks like she wants to say more but then she turns back to a pan filled with sizzling eggs and begins flipping them cautiously one-by-one with a metal spatula.

“Can I ask you something Madison?” Dustin asks.

“I think you just did.” She says jokingly.

“Fair enough,” a sly smile forms on his lips. “What did you think you were going to accomplish that night in the alley with a metal pipe in your hand?”

Madison shoots Drew a dirty look and he puts his hands up in front of him with a chuckle.

“So you heard about that then?” Her cheeks are pink. I fight my protective instincts, a strong desire to tell the guys to shutup rises in me but I know Madison well enough to know she wouldn’t appreciate being babied.

“To be honest… I don’t know.” She sighs and turns off the stove setting the egg pan off to the side on a cool burner.

“I just saw Drew there cornered and this rage filled inside of me. I know all too well what it’s like to be trapped. To feel hopeless. I just wanted to do for Drew what I should have done for myself a lot sooner.”

“Brain someone with a greasy old pipe?” Isaiah asks chuckling.

To my surprise Madison laughs loudly and she nearly falls over in the process. Steadying herself with a hand on the counter she says, “No, give him a chance to escape. Of course, looking back now it was a stupid thing to do.”

“Stupid, but brave.” Drew says.

“Very brave indeed,” I chime in and drain the rest of my coffee. I am going to need another cup of that ASAP.

The coffee steams as I pour it, the smell in the kitchen is intoxicating and my stomach grumbles.

“Let’s get Ash, no sense in our safety resting in the hands of someone half asleep and half starved. No one had any dinner last night.” Madison says looking at me waiting for my approval.

“Alright. I’ll go get him.”

Later in the afternoon I work with the pack to develop a plan. Now, it’s Dustin’s turn to be on guard duty.
