Page 36 of Chase's Human Mate

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“All claim to solely be national but I’ve found global threads linking them to various different European countries.” I share with some pride.

“We better let the rest of the guys know what we’ve, you’ve, found out. We need to make a plan and quickly, so far you’ve been the only one getting us any concrete leads.” He says looking at me warmly.

I smack Chase playfully on the chest, my stomach filling with butterflies.

“I am serious, so anytime you feel like you are not a part of the pack I want you to remember how invaluable you are being through this, and this is some major pack business.” He says smiling.

“Thanks, Chase, it feels so good to hear that from the Alpha.” I lean forward and plant a kiss on his soft full lips.

“Mmm,” he says his lips reverberating against mine. Sliding his hands down my back he keeps one arm firmly planted around my waist pulling me into him and with his other hand he grabs my ass.

“Isn’t this information important? Shouldn’t we tell the others, now?” I manage to say pulling just far enough away from his lips that I can speak.

“It is, but so is this.” He squeezes my butt cheeks.

I can hardly argue with that, I want nothing more than to spend a few moments in ecstasy with Chase. I’ve hardly gotten any sleep over these past few nights and now that I know Jax is lurking around, it’s difficult to relax. With Chase, however…

I lose track of time. His mouth envelops mine and I give into him, relaxing the full weight of my body onto him. There’s no reason to resist. His hardness presses against me as he works to pull my shirt off me.

Our bare chests press together, and our hearts beat as one. “You always know how to make me feel better,” I say tracing my finger along his jawline and down his neck.

A light moan escapes his lips as I grind my hips down onto him. He looks at me with hunger in his eyes before grabbingme by the hips and in one smooth motion he flips me onto my back. An excited giggle escapes my lips as he kisses down my collarbone, my abdomen, and the top of my thighs.

A sudden noise echoes through the room, causing us both to freeze. We exchange worried glances as we realize someone is at the door. The tension builds as we try to quickly compose ourselves and figure out who could be interrupting.


He throws his head back in frustration and hollers back, “What is it? This better be important!”

“ASH HAS GONE MISSING!” Isaiah’s voice comes out in a low irritated growl.

Chase and I look at each other and the panic I feel is mirrored in his eyes.

Chapter 15


“What do we know about Ash’s last whereabouts?” I ask pacing the living room floor, I wanted to be out there searching for Ash immediately, but I’ve learned the hard way that it’s much smarter to take a moment and collect as much information as you can before running headlong into the face of danger.

I have no doubt in my mind Ash’s disappearance is linked to the Dark Horizon Syndicate.

“He was patrolling the property.” Isaiah looks just as anxious as I am to get a move on.

“Did anyone hear or see anything?” I inquire looking at everyone.

“I went to relieve him of patrol duty, but he was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t pick up any other scents on the property.” Drew says.

“He was likely, lured away. It’s not like him just to leave his post.” I say under my breath.

“Dustin, I want you to stay here with Madison. You protect her with your life if need be.” I say, narrowing my eyes. Dustin nods earnestly.

“I will.” He promises.

“Drew and Isaiah, we are off to find Ash. I want him back and I want him back alive.” He’s my best friend. I don’t want to move forward without him.

“Madison, are you going to be alright?” I ask worriedly.

“Go and bring Ash back home.” she says with narrowed eyes and a reaffirming smile.
