Page 39 of Chase's Human Mate

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Ash takes a deep breath, his eyes closing briefly for a moment. Palpitations plague my heart. I hate that he is probably right. Could I have forgiven him?

“About a mile away from the property line the scent ran cold, but I picked up on another scent, several other scents. Before I could even process what was happening a strong electric bolt shot through my body. It felt like every muscle in my body was on fire. I tried to run, to scream, or do anything but no matter how hard I fought I was unable to move.

“They tased you?” Madison asks.

“Something like that but… it was much, much stronger. I’ve been tased before and it didn’t put me out like that.” Ash says with some pain on his face as he remembers the sensation.

“What happened after that?” I hear my voice ask the question before I realize my lips are moving.

“After that, I felt a small pinch in my neck, and everything went black.”

“Do you think you were drugged?” I ask.

“I could have been.” He admits. “When I came back around my cheek was stinging. Our new best friend, Jax, had given me a rather rude awakening with a right hook to the face. Even though I was awake, I was heavy and groggy. It was like I’d been partying all night long and not just drinking… It took me a while to remember why I was away from the house in the first place.”

“What did he want from you?” I question with so much anger in me I can hardly see straight.

“I believe he wanted to simply make me suffer,” Ash says with a grimace. “I guess he was probably hoping to get his hands on you but since I was the one he found, I think he figured that I made a fine proxy for the time being. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does something drastic when he realizes I’m gone.”

“Jax didn’t stop with the right hook either, he continued to beat the snot out of me. My arms were bound together and hooked up above my head. I was a perfect target, there was no way to defend myself.” He shudders.

Madison sucks in a breath, she’s trembling. My nails are digging into the palms of my hand so hard I can smell the small pools of blood forming beneath them.

“He told me we’d be sorry for snatching his prize away from him.”

“Prize?” Madison says pale-faced, in a faraway voice.

“I am guessing he meant you.” Ash continues.

“That’s disturbing,” Dustin shakes his head, his eyes set on the area rug beneath him.

“After what felt like hours of playing Jax’s punching bag, I was in and out of consciousness. Eventually, the two other cronies came into the room to retrieve him.”

“Where did he go?” I grit my teeth and ask.

“Out the same way he came in I assume but I don’t know. He and the others were whispering about a meeting with the DHS. I’m pretty sure they thought I wouldn’t be able to hear them but with the echoes in the cave, they weren’t quiet enough.” A triumphant smile plays on his lips.

“DHS? Please tell me you know what that means?” Isaiah pleads.

“We do!” Madison perks up beaming at me. Her proclamation elicits strange looks from Isaiah, Drew, and Dustin, none of whom, due to Ash’s disappearance, have been filled in yet on the new intel Madison found the night prior.

“We’ll fill you in in a minute,” I say turning my attention back to Ash. I can tell by the expression on his face he’s fading fast, and I need to get as much out of him as I can.

“Did he mention where they were meeting?”

“He said something about the local headquarters under a tavern in town, so I know they’ve got a group in the area. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the name of the tavern.” He sighs bitterly.

“That’s probably how Jax was able to find us so quickly. They’ve got eyes all over the place.” I surmise.

“I figured as much too,” Ash’s voice is harsh.

“Who was he with?” Madison asks.

“Two men that looked almost identical. I didn’t catch their names, but they are both tall, blond, quiet, muscular, and ominous even if a little bit dull.”

Ash’s eyelids are heavy, and he struggles against them as they lower against his will.

“Why don’t you get some rest we can keep talking about this when you wake back up,”
