Page 40 of Chase's Human Mate

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I order and motion for everyone else to clear out of the room.

A flurry of movement fills the living room as everyone peels themselves up and out of their seated positions. I glance at Madison as she grabs the melted icepack off Ash’s forehead with careful precision, as we lock eyes, she offers a smile, and my heart skips a beat.

Ash’s eyes are closed now, and his breathing deepens, as I follow the rest of the pack down the hallway to the kitchen Ash’s breathing turns into a light snore that resonates off the walls in the living room.

It’s time for Madison to fill everyone else in about DHS.

This is war.

Chapter 16


“Dark Horizon Syndicate?” Dustin presses his lips together and closes his eyes for a moment as if reaching into the depths of his memories. “ Wait, yeah, DHS? That reminds me of a group I heard of before.”

“What do you know?” My eyes widen as I lean forward clutching the granite kitchen countertop.

“There’s this government organization known as the Department of Human Security. The group started up, or at least was made public even though it’s obviously not publicized, when the existence of shifters was made general knowledge.” Drew furrows his brows.

“A hush-hush government group, that is now involved with criminals? What’s their endgame?” Dustin asks lifting himself onto the counter and taking a bite out of an apple. The loud crunch as he bites into the apple sets my nerves on edge.

“It’s not nearly as uncommon as you’d want to believe. My guess is they struck some sort of deal, and if I am being honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if the two groups were actually the same group going by two separate names,” Chase adds bitterly.

“What does the Department of Human Security do?” I ask Drew with a raised eyebrow.

“The DHS offers protection and resources to humans that have had issues with shifters. Like if someone is attacked, they will help provide medical support or lawyers to press a case against the attackers. They believe that the playing field is not even so one of their stated goals is to help make it that way.” Drew relates.

I had no idea a group like that existed.

“They are right in a sense; we have powers that no human has. It’s not like we are all sunshine and smiles, much like humans, there’s complexity amongst us,” he continues.

“Oh, I’ve heard about this group before I can’t believe it’s slipped my mind until now. They keep extensive tabs on the shifter population. There’s not much that gets by them.” Dustin says.

Isaiah leans against the kitchen wall, grunting in disapproval. “So, this group… they’ve got the government backing them. No wonder they seem to always be a step ahead of the packs. They can operate without fear.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. This is a much bigger beast to take on than we originally thought. What are we trying to do? I don’t think we’ll be able to take down this entire operation, do you?” Dustin asks looking at Chase.

Suddenly, I feel like a fly on the wall. There is not much I can do. The thought quickens my pulse and makes my skin tingle. Despite what Chase said to me earlier, here I am again… feeling useless.

“The end game is to deal with Jax and eliminate him as a threat. If we can figure out a way to expose the entire operation including their illegal experiments, then we will need to prepare to deal with that fallout. I think I better go and talk to the GreyPack. The more of us working on this the better our chance of survival.” Chase says resolutely.

Slowly Chase turns his head, meeting each member of this small pack’s eyes individually. Determination is evident on everyone’s face but mine. Chase reaches out, squeezing my hand gently to reassure me and I force a smile.

Isaiah nods in agreement. “Now that we know a bit more about what we are up against I think it’s time to make an action plan.”

“The devil you know…

” Dustin nods appreciatively.

“My thoughts exactly,” I say unclenching my fists and standing up a bit taller. Let’s show these DHS idiots what they are up against.

The kitchen is filledwith the smell of savory beef stew as a massive pot bubbles on the stove. Despite my nerves, my stomach grumbles. It’s the best I can offer right now.

I am not as fast as Ash, as strong as Isaiah, as sleek as Drew, or as cunning as Dustin. I am certainly not as brave as Chase.

The ceiling creeks above me as the pack rushes about preparing for the next stages of the mission. Tapping my foot nervously on the worn wooden floor of the old farmhouse kitchen, I twist the knob on the range as low as it can go without extinguishing the flame and rush upstairs.

“Chase,” I say breathlessly as I open the door to our, now, shared room. He looks up at me with a quizzical smile, a fresh shirt in his hands as though he were just going to put it on.
