Page 6 of Chase's Human Mate

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My senses become finely tuned to the subtle sounds of the night. An owl hooting in the distance, the water as it washes along the rocks at the shoreline.

Turning my head towards the thickness of the trees, I squint into the darkness, there seems to be an almost imperceptible crunch of twigs underfoot. Am I imagining things?

The rustle of leaves intensifies slightly, then I shiver as I hear a twig snap with a bit more purpose. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Occasional pauses in the movement punctuate the footsteps, I can’t tell if they are real or imagined. I want to run but something holds me in place, keeping me from moving too quickly.

It is as though I am wading through Jello. My muscles scream and I pray to anyone who will listen that my ex has not found me, not now, not like this.

The once tranquil woods now seem alive with hidden movements and unseen watchers. I cannot see anyone through the trees but now every shadow I see takes on the form of a man.

Holding my breath, I place one foot in front of the other. Determined, I decide that if tonight is the night I meet my maker, I won’t go down without a fight.

Another twig snaps, this time loudly enough that I cannot dismiss it. I freeze as the woods seem to hold their breath right alongside me.

My gaze darts anxiously in every direction, searching for the source of the approaching footsteps. The once comforting scent of pine and earth now reminds me of the old campy horror movies I used to watch.

A silhouette begins to emerge from the shadows, my pulse quickens, and I scramble backward away from the man. Is he a savior or just another layer of the nightmare I’m trying to escape? I squash the flicker of hopefulness in my chest.

This man might not be my ex, but the memories of my toxic past intensify the knot in my stomach regardless. I’m trapped between the haunting echoes of abuse and the fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, this stranger could be different.

I see his hands rise in a gesture of peace, his voice carrying assurances that he means no harm. I’m torn between trust and the instinct to disappear deeper into the shadows.

Despite my best efforts to convince my tired legs we need to run far away from here I cannot move. The man starting to materialize from the woods reminds me of a fairy tale god.

His dark hair contrasts with his pale flesh and it looks as though he is carved from stone. Each muscle in his arms is well defined.

As my eyes lock onto the figure now stepping out from the woods, it seems time momentarily stills. The moonlight cascades over him giving just enough light for me to see the god-like form before me.

A sharp inhale escapes me as I take in the breathtaking sight before me. He’s like a living sculpture. An Adonis sculpted from the finest marble by the hands of an ancient artisan. The contours of his face, and the angles of his jaw, echo the timeless beauty of Greek gods frozen in time.

My brain stops urging my legs to move as my gaze travels down his form. Every inch seems to be meticulously carved with an attention to detail that defies mortal existence.

The fabric of his clothing clings to him like a second skin. He moves with a grace that transcends the ordinary.

As he steps closer, his green eyes meet mine with an intensity that leaves me momentarily breathless. But I feel a sense of peace washing over me.

“Are you alright?” He asks in a husky tone that turns me on even though I should logically feel terrified. My ex messed me up more than I realized.

I stagger back slowly, unable to say anything in response. I should be running away right now.

“Miss, are you okay? Can I help you?” he asks again.

“My mother always told me not to talk to strangers and I don’t believe a mysterious man coming out of the woods is any type of exception to that rule.” I state with my chin lifting just a bit more.

The man smiles, his teeth glinting in the darkness. Even at a distance I can see the pronounced canines hanging in his mouth that look as though they were intentionally filed into points.

My blood runs cold. I couldn’t outrun this man if I tried, he’s a shifter and by the looks of those teeth he’s a wolf.

“Your mother sounds like a wise woman,” he calls back not daring to take another step forward.

“She was,” I say taking a tentative step backward.

“Even so, surely you realize nearly everyone you’ve ever spoken to at one time was a stranger.” His hands are still raised in a gesture of goodwill.

“Is that supposed to somehow make me feel closer to you?” I narrow my eyes at the man as his lips curl into a delicious smile.

“I won’t lie I wouldn’t mind if you did get a little closer to me,” he winks, “But right about now you look exhausted and hungry and I’ve got a small cabin near here, my two best friends, and a fire cooking up some dear we caught earlier. If you take a deep enough breath, I’m sure even your senses could smell it.”
