Page 7 of Chase's Human Mate

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I can’t help myself; I take a deep breath and a meaty smoke smell faintly reaches my nostrils. Audibly my stomach growls against my will.

“You are hungry then, aren’t you?” he smirks.

“Of course, I am hungry, not all of us can prance around as an apex predator hunting down whatever creatures we see fit to eat. Still, I’ve heard the story of little red riding hood too many times to follow a wolf from the path and into the woods.” I say cautiously.

“I won’t bite, none of us will, I promise.” He says trying to reassure me.

The man chances a step forward and for some reason I do not step away. Perhaps it is the ache in the pit of my stomach that holds me in place, the promise of any meal, let alone a warm meal, seems too good to pass up.

More twigs snapping draw my attention deeper into the forest past the chiseled jaw and muscular shoulders of the man who stands before me.

“Are you two going to stand out here all night and chatter or would you like to come and have some roast venison with potatoes and carrots? I’m afraid Isaiah will eat it all if he’s left alone for much longer.” A very tall man made up of long limbs says as he emerges from the trees.

“This is Ash, and my name is Chase. Listen, I don’t want to leave you out here on your own, but I also won’t force you to come have a meal with us against your will. My stomach, however, is begging to eat and I don’t think I can deny it much longer. What do you say, will you share a meal with us?” he offers.

My pulse rises as I consider my options. It doesn’t seem the best choice for me to stay out here in the woods all on my own, but these men are strangers to me…

I know I won’t last much longer if I don’t eat something, so instead of arguing I reluctantly decide to relent.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to share a meal together, unless you’re cannibals or serial killers.” I say eyeing them closely.

The two of them laugh, logically I realize this should only set my nerves more on fire but somehow, I feel calmer. Taking a few steps toward the men, the tall one seems satisfied and turns, disappearing back into the woods.

The handsome man who introduced himself as Chase remains rooted in place, waiting for me to get closer. It’s odd but the closer I get to him the calmer and more protected I feel.

If I didn’t already know about shifters, I’d have assumed this was some kind of magical trickery. As it stands, I haven’t eaten for days so I’ll have to trust Chase and his friends.

In the moonlit clearing, my gaze still fixed on the stranger who emerged from the woods, Chase, a peculiar sense of calm wraps around me. The feeling, while unexpected, is soothing.

It’s almost as if the shadows that have haunted me start to dissipate as I get nearer to him. The knots of fear that have clenched my stomach begin to loosen.

The moonlight caresses the contours of his face, and there’s a quiet strength in his green eyes. It’s a paradox… finding solace in a stranger’s presence in the heart of the night.

“The night’s calm, isn’t it?” He asks as I step beside him, “Almost like the whole world’s holding its breath.”

“Yeah, it’s strange. I expected these woods to feel more suffocating. But it’s not, it’s rather peaceful. Aside from the fright you gave me while stalking me in the darkness, of course.”

“Sorry about that. I smelled you heading toward us, and I smelled fear. I didn’t feel comfortable just leaving you out here without at least trying to get through to you. What brings you out here? Running from something?” he asks.

“Well, Mr. Mysterious Woodsman, maybe you should consider a career in scaring people professionally. I hear haunted houses pay well.” I say ignoring his question.

“Not a bad idea. But my skills are better suited to helping people find their way, not sending them running,” a smirk plays on his lips.

“You’re quite the philosopher for a guy who just emerged from the shadows.”

“Those are the best types of philosophers.”

“Are they?”

“Indeed, especially paired with my survival skills. It’s a winning combination.”

“Maybe I should just hire you as my bodyguard. How’s that for a job offer?” I say smiling.

“I’ll consider it. But first, let’s get you settled in my not-so-haunted cabin. We can continue our riveting discussion there; I’m sure Ash and Isaiah are eager to get to know you better.”

“Lead the way, oh wise and mysterious woodsman. Just don’t scare me again, or I might reconsider that bodyguard offer.”

“Your wish is my command. Let’s go,” he says with a chuckle.
