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“Where is everyone else?” Madison asks, looking around.

“On the pack property working on the training facility to work off a bit of this morning’s excitement with the fire.” Chase answers.

“Speaking of excitement,” I say unwrapping my arms from Lorelei and patting her hip, “I better go board up your shop and get you some clothes.”

On my wayback from boarding up Lorelei’s shop, a strangely familiar scent floods the cab of my truck as I drive through a stretch of road surrounded by the forest. My gut aches, it’s a slow-spreading pain. A dull thudding ache but as cold sweat creeps across my forehead and nausea overwhelms me, I decide it’s best to pull over for a moment while I get myself back under control.

That scent, I sniff at the air. I’ve smelled it before, but I can’t place it just yet, as though it’s locked away in some distant memory. Clutching my side, the realization washes over me, freezing my blood momentarily in my veins. The hair stands up on the back of my neck.

This scent belongs to the person who shot me. Smacking my own cheek hard, reality sharpens around me. Carefully, I guide my truck off the road and park it on the flat bit of earth near the forest edge. Flipping the hazards on, I cut the engine and step outside.

Sniffing the air as I turn around in a 360 circle, I catch the smell of two other unfamiliar scents,maybe this is just a group of poachers.However, the adrenaline and fear with the new smells are more pungent than any other aspect of their scents. My gut churns.Something isn’t right.

Following the scents through the forest, I see a clear path emerging in the patterns of the forest’s disruptions. A torn leaf here, a snapped branch there, a skid in the mud. The scents become much clearer as I follow the path of torment. Two shifters running, someone is hunting alright, but it’s not poachers.

My eyes narrow and my muscles tense, gaining speed, I tune into my surroundings. I don’t want any surprises, not again. The blood pumps through my veins so ferociously that I have to tune out the sound of my rushing blood, so I can totally focus on the path ahead of me.

Cutting a large circle to the left, I run as fast as I can to catch up with the chase, keeping my ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary. My stomach tightens as I notice two rapidly beating hearts, but the scent is nearly masked now.Running water, I cut toward the river.

Slowing down, I move cautiously, intentionally, each step guiding me closer to the shifters in hiding while still concealing my position from the hunter. His scent is nearby, its strong and fearful. I can smell the rem oil he used on his gun, the same smell of nitroglycerin and graphite that I smelled before staggering back after being shot.

I owe you one, Hunter.I almost forget myself and softly laugh out loud at the irony of the hunter becoming the hunted. He’s completely unaware of the dangers that await him and completely unaware of my presence.

The man comes into view. He is broad and tall, much like me, but it shouldn’t be a problem for me to take him down.This is personal.

Soundlessly, I slide out of my clothes and put them into the hollow of a tree. I focus my energy on changing forms, the animal in me awakens as my bones twist and crack. Fur sprouts across my body and my feet and hands widen and elongate.

Digging all four of my paws into the ground and scratching at the earth, I balance myself. In several long strides, I am upon the hunter, knocking him down from behind. He lets out a yelp as my claws sink into his back and the gun flies out of his hands into the brush.

I lower my snout growling into the man’s ear. Pressing down on his shoulders with my paws until I hear a loud crunch from each one. A deep guttural scream leaves the man’s mouth followed by low whimpering.

Once I am sure the man won’t be able to run away, I shift back into my human form and flip the man over,this is the awkward part.My naked sweat-slicked skin glistens in the sunlight as I shake the man, “how many more?” I ask. I don’t bother asking why he shot me in the first place or why he’s chasing after these two shifters, that’s a hunter’s nature.

The man laughs erratically, his eyes are wild even as tears pour out of them, “enough to kill you.” He’s still laughing, and his demeanor tells me he’s not the type of man to give much else away.

“Very well then,” I say placing my hands on either side of his head. My lips curl in disgust as he bucks wildly unable to use his arms. “This will be our goodbye then,” I say as I twist the man’s head with a loud pop. For a moment, his body writhes and then he goes very still, his vacant eyes staring at the canopy above us.

Standing on shaky legs, I take a moment to steady myself against a nearby tree before transforming again. My massive paws dig into the earth, upending roots and decaying matter as I dig. Minutes pass and finally, the man’s final resting place is ready.

Grabbing his lifeless form with my teeth I drag him into the grave I’ve dug, covering him back up with earth and stomping around until the grave is sealed. This deep in the forest, it’s not likely the man’s body will be found before it decomposes completely.

The snap of a twig off in the distance draws my attention, with narrowed eyes, I catch sight of two sleek wolves moving cautiously toward me. Their heads are down in submission asthey move. One last time I shift back into my human form and the two of them follow suit.

A man and a woman stare at me with wonder-filled eyes, “hello.” I say finally still panting a little.

“Thank you,” the woman says making no attempt at modesty, neither does her mate. It’s something you grow accustomed to as a shifter.

“What are you two doing out here?” I inquire.

“We’ve been on the run for weeks, trying to find somewhere to settle down. The hunters are everywhere and hunting with vengeance. If you ask me, DHS is back to its old tricks again, with private funding and no limitations.” The man says with a bitter smile.

A pang of guilt washes over me. If our pack hadn’t outed their operation so abruptly, this would have never happened. If we’d handled it with more care maybe we could have taken down the total operation for good.Or, maybe they’ll always find a way to hunt us no matter what.

“I think I have a place you can go, but I am not the Alpha of our pack, so I can’t make any promises.” I offer.

“Are you serious?” The woman looks between me and her mate with tears in her eyes.

“Let me go get my clothes and we’ll head back to my truck. I’ve got a few spare clothes in there for you both, but miss, you’ll have to wear men’s clothes.”
