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“I’m not too picky,” she says as her mate wraps his arm around her.

Chapter 10


“Madison, I’m going to have to call you back, someone is coming into the shop. Thank you for checking on me, I’ll talk to you soon!”

The hairs on my arms rise as a middle-aged man walks in. He’s wearing slacks, a button-up, and dress shoes. There’s nothing remarkable about him but still, something feels off. Almost as though he’s wearing a costume.

“Welcome to L’s Apothecary, how can I help you today?” I say offering up my warmest smile.

“Hello ma’am, I’m just passing through town, but I was told you have some of the best medicinal teas in town. Actually, and I am embarrassed to admit this, I’ve had an upset stomach for a few days now. Do you have any tea that would help with that?” he asks pleasantly.

“I sure do, it’s a chamomile, fennel, and ginger blend. The flavors are a bit strong but well balanced and it should help with your digestive issues, no problem,” walking around the side of the counter I lead the man over to the tea section. “I also have a turmeric, lemon balm, mint tea that is great for bloating if you find yourself struggling with gas.”

“I’ll take 2 oz of each,” he says nodding to himself.

“Wonderful, is there anything else I can help you with?” His eyes scan the shop before he turns back to me, “No, that’ll do it for me today!”

At the counter, while I measure and package his tea, I peek at the man and notice him staring intently at the front door.

“Say, the man at the pharmacy said I was in luck that you’d just reopened after two weeks of being closed down. He said there was quite an ordeal that took place here. Said a man died.”

Heat prickles at my cheeks and I gulp down air, nearly choking myself, “Yes, we had a break-in.”

“Did you notice anything strange about the man who broke in?” He asks raising an eyebrow.

“Aside from the fact that he tried to kill me and was obsessed with his mother, not really.” I shrug and package the teas faster. “That’s going to be $26.”

“A shop like this probably has all sorts of visitors, church ladies and less savory sorts alike, I’m sure.” He says with a little smirk.

“Yeah, even middle-aged suburban men who ask too many questions. That will be $26, or do you even want to buy the tea?” I ask looking him directly in his eyes.

“Okay, I get it. I’ll get out of your hair then,” the man spins on his heel and leaves the shop without purchasing the tea.That was weird.

I better call Isaiah.That was more than a little weird. It has been over two weeks since the hunter was killed and there’s been no word of anyone. But still. That doesn’t mean that they’re not in town, laying low, waiting for the right moment to act.

If that was a reconnaissance mission, the guy wasn’t exactly being subtle. God, I can’t believe I feel this way, but I hope that truly was only a reconnaissance mission. Otherwise, I was just totally rude and scared off a regular-paying customer.

Dialing Isaiah’s number, I wait for him to answer. He’s been working a lot at ‘Catch of the Day’, trying to get it repaired enough to open again. Luckily, the new pack wolf member he rescued and brought home, Samuel, is a carpenter who volunteered to help him repair his shop. When Isaiah told everyone about the two stray wolf shifters and the hunter who was hunting them, he also announced he was shot by hunters a few weeks back and didn’t tell anyone about it.

So, it was a little awkward for a long time at pack headquarters. I felt like I had front-row tickets to a private show I had no business seeing. It was nice waking up next to Isaiah every morning but the tension between him and Chase was all too palpable throughout the day. That’s why I finally decided to come back home and get back to work.

Samuel, the newest guy in the pack, also helped Isaiah fix up my shop and clean up the blood stain. They even resealed the floors, after which I put a massive rug down. I killed a man here, and that’s a weight that, in the stillest moments of my day, takes my breath away. Still, the world doesn’t stop just because I’m panicking, and neither do my bills.

Isaiah doesn’t answer, shocker, he’s been difficult to get hold of these past few days. I don’t leave a voicemail instead I fire off a quick text message to him.

‘Weird activity at the shop. Everything is okay but call me asap.’

Carefully, I repackage the tea that I just measured out for the man who just left. I put it back on the shelf and in its rightful container with a sigh. Business has been a little slow since word got out that I killed someone, but it hasn’t been totally bad either.

The bell above the door rings and I look up hopeful that it might be Isaiah, instead, it’s a cheery-looking blonde girl withtwo braids framing her youthful face, she can’t be much older than 20. She’s skipping, literally skipping, her way into the shop.

“Good afternoon,” she says, “I am looking for a powerful love potion. One that will make a man fall head over heels for me. I want him to only have eyes for me. Is that something you have?”

“Yes, I’ve got just the thing, but it’s not cheap.”

“The heart wants what the heart wants,” she smiles at me wistfully, “money will not be an object for me.”
